Delight in the harmonious blend of elegance and sweetness with the Velvet Petals and Sweet Serenade Bouquet. Featuring a captivating mix of red and white roses, complemented by chocolates, this arrangement is adorned with white gypsophila fillers. Arranged in a sophisticated black vase, this bouquet is perfect for birthdays, anniversaries, or any special occasion. Suited for individuals who appreciate a balance of classic beauty and modern indulgence, the red roses symbolise deep love and passion, while the white roses represent purity and new beginnings. The chocolates add a touch of playful sweetness, making this ensemble a perfect blend of elegance and delight for someone who treasures lifes simple yet profound pleasures.
Product Details:
- Red rose: 8
- Nestle KitKat Chocolate Wafer Bar: 5 Pcs 18gm each
- White rose: 6
- Filler: Gypsophilla, ping pong, victoria filler
- Housed in a black metal vase
- Net quantity: 1
- Dimension: 18x10 Inches
- Weight: 1 to 1.5kg
- Veg
- Country of origin: India
Food additive:
- Emulsifiers Natural Identical Artificial flavouring substances
- Food allergen: Contains wheat, milk, sesame and soy. It may contain nuts.