Celebrate Raksha Bandhan with this luxurious gift box, designed to honour the bond between siblings. Delight your brother and sister-in-law with premium rakhis, one adorned with white stones and the other crafted for Bhabhi. Complete with a decorative tikka stick, pooja thali and a heartfelt card, this gift embodies tradition and elegance. Perfect for a brother who cherishes luxury and ritual, this combo adds joy, warmth, and unforgettable memories to your celebrations.
Product Details:
- Flavoured cashew: 100gms
- Flavoured cashew: 100gms in a jar
- Mix millet namkeen: 100gms in jar
- Dates bites: 35gms
- Almond choco rocks: 3 pcs
- Tikka stick
- Red pooja thali with kum-kum vatti
- one pcs 8. Premium Rakhi 2 pcs one with withe stone and other stone based bahiya bhabhi rakhi. 9. roli chawal in a bottle each one pcs 10. 6 pcs of indian traditional sweets in cavity tray 11. Greeting card
- Rakhi set of 2
- Roli+ChawalIndian traditional sweets: 6Pcs
- Rakshabandhan greeting card
- Net quantity: 1
- Dimension: 36.5x25.5x6.5 cm
- Weight: 528 gm
- Veg
- Country of origin: India
Ingredients Details:
- Ingredients: Flavoured almond: peri peri almond. Flavored Cashew: pepper cashew. Millet Namkeen: jowar puff, bajra puff, ragi flakes, peanut, chana, raisin, almond, cashew, spices and mix Dates Bites: Dates crush and dry fruit. Indian sweet: coconut, jaggery, mawa Almond rock: Chocolate compound, Almond
- Nutritional Value: Dates Bites values per 100g: Energy 441 kcal, Protein 8.09g, Carbohydrates 53g, Total sugar: 27.55g, Total fat 21.02g