Fall in love with this classic bouquet of red roses wrapped in red paper. Sprinkled with baby breath, this love-infused bunch looks simply magical. Let your special someone know how much you love them with the help of this spellbinding bouquet. The heavenly sweetness of chocolate truffle cake is the cherry on top, literally
Product Details:
- 10 Red Roses
- White Gypsophila Gypsy Fillers
- FNP Red Non Woven Packing Sheet
- One Non-Woven Pink Paper
- Beautifully Tied with FNP Branded Ribbon
- One Message Card
- Chocolate Truffle Cake-Half Kg
- 1 Chocolate Truffle Cake-500 gms
- Net Quantity: 1 Flower Bouquet and 1 Cake
- Dimensions: Approx 2x2.5 feet
- Weight: Approx 2-2.5 Kg
- Country Of Origin: India
- Vegetarian
Flowers Trivia:
- Did you know a rose bush can grow quite tall The tallest ever recorded rose bush stands at over 23 feet 7 meters tall.
- Red Roses are perfect expressions of love and romance since ancient times
- Chocolate premix, Refined oil, Breakfast Sugar, Chocolate Truffle Base, Dark Chocolate compound, Karonda Cherry, Chocolate Glaze
Price Breakup:
Fresh Flower