Express your deep affection with a captivating ensemble of beautiful red roses, a pristine white rose and an elegant white asiatic lily. This arrangement radiates love and purity, accentuated by delicate white gypsophila fillers. Adorned with a luxurious golden satin ribbon and presented in a black sleeve adorned with big foil hearts, this gift is a heartfelt symbol of your love.
Product Details:
- Premium, unscented red roses: 3 Pcs
- Premium, unscented white rose: 1 Pc
- Premium, unscented white asiatic lily: 1 Pc
- Fillers: White gypsophila
- FNP golden satin ribbon
- Black sleeve big foil hearts: 19.5 x 23 inches
- Net Quantity: 1 Bouquet
- Dimensions: 22x8 inch
- Weight: Approx 250-500 gms
- Country Of Origin: India
Flower Trivia:
- Did you know a rose bush can grow quite tall The tallest ever recorded rose bush stands at over 23 feet 7 meters tall.
- Lilies are said to be one of the top ten flowers in the world, which means they are popular choice for bouquets and centerpieces.