This exquisite arrangement features premium white asiatic lilies, complemented by aqua pink roses, surrounded by delicate white gypsophila and lush green murraya leaves. Adorned in lilac and pink wrapping papers, this bouquet is a visual masterpiece. Tied together with a white satin ribbon, it radiates sophistication and charm. Gift this floral ensemble to your special one, conveying emotions with a touch of natures delicate beauty, creating lasting memories.
Product Details:
- Premium, unscented white asiatic lily: 5 Pcs
- Premium, unscented aqua pink rose: 15 Pcs
- Fillers: White gypsophila, green murraya leaf
- Lilac colour wrapping mesh
- Pink colour plain non woven paper
- Tied with FNP white satin ribbon
Flower Trivia:
- Asiatic lilies are grown for their nearly flawless, brilliantly colored flowers that can be up to 6 inches in diameter.
- Did you know that the rose is edible, can live for a very long time, has been mentioned in the bible and is a great source of vitamin C.