Brighten your brothers day with a gift that celebrates his special place in your life. This arrangement features cheerful white daisies nestled in a mug that proudly proclaims "No.1 Bro." White daisies symbolise purity, loyalty, and innocencequalities that reflect his unwavering support and genuine nature. This thoughtful gift not only adds a touch of elegance to his space but also serves as a daily reminder of his cherished role in your life.Brighten your brothers day with a gift that celebrates his special place in your life. This arrangement features cheerful white daisies nestled in a mug that proudly proclaims "No.1 Bro." White daisies symbolise purity, loyalty, and innocencequalities that reflect his unwavering support and genuine nature. This thoughtful gift not only adds a touch of elegance to his space but also serves as a daily reminder of his cherished role in your life.
Product Details:
- White daisy: 1
- 1 White Color Ceramic Coffee Mug 3X4 Inch
- Green Color Ping Pong Leaf Filler
- Green Color Oasis Floral Foam