Present your loved one with a floral masterpiece that whispers sentiments of love and joy. Delicate asiatic lilies intertwine gracefully with aqua-pink roses, forming a breathtaking bouquet that captures the essence of celebration. Complemented by greens and gypsophila, this gift radiates freshness and elegance. Housed in a charming pink box, the ensemble is adorned with a transparent balloon and a 'Happy Birthday' sticker, creating a perfect symphony of beauty and heartfelt wishes.
Product Details:
- Premium, unscented pink asiatic lilies: 6 Pcs
- Premium, unscented aqua pink rose: 16 Pcs
- Fillers: Green asparagus, white gypsophila, green oasis floral foam
- Pink cylindrical cappaboard box
- Transparent bobo balloon
- Balloon stick with cap
- Happy Birthday' black sticker
Flower Trivia:
- Asiatic lilies are grown for their nearly flawless, brilliantly colored flowers that can be up to 6 inches in diameter.
- Did you know that the rose is edible, can live for a very long time, has been mentioned in the bible and is a great source of vitamin C.