Celebrate love and elegance with our Golden Rose Elegance bouquet. Featuring timeless red roses paired with luxurious Ferrero Rocher chocolates, this exquisite arrangement is adorned with delicate white gypsophila fillers. Wrapped in striking red paper and tied with an FNP yellow satin ribbon, its perfect for anniversaries, Valentines Day, or any romantic occasion. This bouquet suits individuals who appreciate classic beauty and decadent flavours. The red roses symbolise deep love and passion, while the Ferrero Rocher chocolates add a touch of golden indulgence. Ideal for someone who cherishes romance and the finer things in life, this bouquet makes every moment unforgettable.
Product Details:
- Red rose: 10
- Ferrero Rocher Chocolate: 8 Pcs 12.5gm each
- Filler: Gypsophilla
- Net quantity: 1
- Dimension: 20x15 Inches
- Weight: 500 to 750gm
- Veg
- Country of origin: India
Food additive:
- Emulsifiers Natural Identical Artificial flavouring substances
- Food allergen: Contains wheat, milk, sesame and soy. It may contain nuts.