Celebrate Womens Day with our stunning bouquet featuring baby pink carnations, purple daisies, and pink gerberas. Its a symbol of admiration and appreciation for the remarkable women in your life. The delicate hues represent femininity and compassion, while the variety of flowers signifies diversity and strength. This bouquet not only adds beauty to their day but also uplifts their spirits, making every woman feel cherished and valued.
Product Details:
- Premium, unscented baby pink carnation: 3 stems
- Premium, unscented purple daisy: 3 stems
- Premium, unscented pink gerbera: 5 stems
- Embellished with murraya filler
- Elegantly tied with FNP pink satin ribbon
Product Details:
- Did you know that for over 400 years, Carnations have been used to add flavour to different wines, liquors, and beers
- Daisy comes from the Old English "daes eage," meaning "days eye." The name refers to how they close their petals in the evening, and open again at dawn, marking the beginning of a new day.