Presenting a breathtaking flower bouquet featuring pink roses, Red Roses, and adorned with delicate Murraya filler. The perfect gift, it transcends ordinary bouquets, offering a personalised touch with the option to include a couples name. A gesture of love and beauty, this bouquet is sure to add joy and warmth to the recipients life, making every moment a celebration.
Product Details:
- Premium, unscented aqua pink rose: 7Pcs
- Premium, unscented red rose: 8Pcs
- Embellished with murraya filler
- Wrapped elegantly in red non woven packing
- Tied beautifully with red ribbon
- Can be personalised with a couple name.
- Net Quantity: 1 Bouquet
- Dimensions: 20x18 inch
- Weight: Approx 2-2.5 kgs
- Country of Origin: India
Flower Trivia:
- Did you know a rose bush can grow quite tall? The tallest ever recorded rose bush stands at over 23 feet (7 meters) tall.
- Lilies have one of the longest in-vase lifespans of any cut bloom, and a professional way to make them keep even longer is to clear out the pollen from their centres. This will also prevent staining on the petals.