When you are in love, your world goes upside down. All you do is think about them, and you want to be with BAE 24*7. But, going all crazy about your love story starts impacting your work life, and soon you become all baffled. To create harmony in your life, you must take a look at our useful ways to balance your love-life & work-life RN! Take a few notes, try our ways, and you will shine out in both aspects of your life!
Create a Time Chart
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Yes, you need to do so. Either keep the weekend free for spending time with your partner or limit it to twice a week. After your office hours, keep an hour or two exclusively for your partner and discuss the day and fun things. Create a weekly chart and follow it. This will help you in focusing on work and giving your partner the necessary attention they need.
Distribute Duties
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If you and your partner are living together, then it is time to distribute the duties. Assign tasks to each other and keep changing the turns every week. This will leave no room for fighting over small issues.
Focus on Health
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Health is wealth, and you ought to agree on that. Take care of your partner’s health as well as yours. Take a break, don’t keep working throughout the day. Go out for a walk with your partner for at least 30 minutes or go alone. Make a point to stay healthy as this will enhance your energy levels and productivity.
Stop Running after Perfection
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Perfection is not the key. You can’t be perfect in both aspects of your life. Humans do make mistakes, and there is always a scope for improvement. Learn from your mistakes and forgive yourself often. You can’t make your relationship or work-life perfect. Work hard, give time to your partner and work on the flaws. Slowly and steadily, you will start noticing the positives instead of perfection.
Start saying No
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Whether it is your partner or a coworker who is asking for something that you are not comfortable with, say NO. For example, if you are tired after work and want to stay in, then politely explain it to your partner. Saying no sometimes is absolutely important.
Plan Vacation & Surprises
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Take out time from work, plan a romantic dinner, get a bunch of beautiful flowers or a gift and make your partner realise that they are your priority. It is the gesture that matters not how big your surprise is. Moreover, try going out on vacations with your partner to relax and rejuvenate.
Don’t Forget, but Forgive
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Always remember all the important dates related to work and your relationship. Mark them on your calendar and set reminders. Let go of all the mistakes and forget them. Holding on to mistakes will blur your focus.