
How can Gardening Improve your Mental Health?

How can Gardening Improve your Mental Health?

“Some activities can add life to your age and gardening is definitely one of them.”

Taking up a creative hobby, physical activity, meditating and building relationships is good for strengthening mental health. Gardening is one such activity that helps you to uplift your spirit and improve your mental health. The healing power of gardening sounds like a mystery. But it brings home various learnings and mental health benefits. 

According to various doctors and researchers, the exposure to open green spaces lowers the mental pressure in people of all age groups. Interaction with nature, especially the green environment reduces anger. The activity enhances mood and improves the general well-being of a person. Gardening has become a therapeutic activity for people. Some countries have adapted to horticulture therapy gardens that help people to stabilize in all walks of life. 

If you’re wondering how gardening improves your mental health, then read below to know more. 

Gardening is a Natural Antidepressant

Gardening is a natural antidepressant that greatly affects our mind and body. Spending time in nature is an active component of horticulture therapy. Gardening exposes people to sunshine that helps in gaining a high amount of Vitamin D, which is a synthesizer of serotonin. Serotonin is a brain chemical that induces happiness. Thus, taking part in various activities of gardening is acts as a natural antidepressant. 

Gardening Lowers the Risk of Alzheimer’s and Dementia

Gardening improves the power of concentration and the ability to memorise things. Studies across the world have found that indulging in gardening helps in lowering the risk of Dementia and Alzheimers. Daily gardening reduces the risk of dementia by an approximate of 36 per cent. The process of gardening involves problem-solving, memorizing, endurance, learning and dexterity. It helps the older people to ward off illness naturally. 

Gardening Reduces Stress & Anxiety

Gardening can keep your mind and body busy during high stress and anxiety outbreaks. Indulging in gardening allows the mind to focus on another activity. It lends an outlet for stress management. Easy access to green outdoor helps in curing clinical anxiety and reduces psychological distress. Keeping indoor plants in rooms and workplace is considered as a good way of stress-relieving.

Gardening Increases Concentration & Reclaims Presence of Mind

The feeling of being zoned out during a certain activity is a common problem in today’s youth. Gardening helps in restoring concentration problems. Fresh greens and flowers have the power to capture attention instantly. The activity requires the presence of mind and full attention to details. It helps people to restore concentration problems over time.

Gardening Represents the World Beyond Perfectionism.

The loop of perfectionism or suffering from Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) is frustrating. Gardening helps us to understand that no matter how much you plan, there are countless factors like weather and bugs that cannot be predicted. Taking up gardening as an activity will help you to let loose and be easy on yourself. 

Gardening is an incredible activity that requires very less investment. You can reap life long returns of happiness and well-being through gardening. Because, once you get your hands dirty in the soil, there’s no going back!

About the author

Shivangi Singh

Shivangi is a perfect union of creativity and imagination. Currently working as a Senior Content Writer at FNP, she is a hardworking content curator and strategist with an experience of 4+ years in writing, mentoring, proofreading, and marketing. She has expertise in writing pieces about gifting, travel, relationships, baking, and astrology and is always up for trying new fields. Besides delivering flawless work, Shivangi is fond of listening to different genres of music, reading poems, watching horror movies and exploring all the buzz-worthy cafes.

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