
Find out about Indoor Trees that can Spruce Up your Home Décor

Indoor Trees

Passionate plant parents are always up for embracing new trends. And, we have got the latest one for you. It’s time for you to graduate from refreshing indoor plants to stunning indoor trees. Sounds enticing, right? If yes, then find out about indoor trees that can spruce up your Home Décor by scrolling down RN!

Bird of Paradise

Giant Bird of Paradise

Image Source- Pinterest

Bring home the green feel of the jungle by getting the Bird of Paradise tree that has big leaves and flowers that will leave you in awe!

Areca Palm

Areca Palms glossy and palm-like leaves are perfect for all the dim corners. They look ravishing, and you can keep them happy by keeping their soil moist.

Fiddle Leaf Fig

Fiddle Leaf Fig

Image Source: Wikimedia Commons

Fiddle Leaf Fig will be a great addition to your living room with its shiny and broad leaves! Keep it under bright indirect sunlight to help it to grow properly!

Rubber Tree

Their beautiful leaves will spruce up your home decor for sure. Keep them under indirect sunlight and keep watering when you feel the soil is dry!

Split Leaf

Split Leaf

Image Source: Wikimedia Commons

Split Leaf Tree looks classy and unique wherever it is kept. Bright light and watering once a week is suitable for their growth!

Money Tree

The lucky tree, the Money tree, is another gorgeous indoor tree that will brighten up your home. They are perfect for new plant parents!

Citrus Meyer Lemon Plant


A citrusy fragrance will linger around your home after you bring home the Citrus Meyer Lemon Plant. It is one of the best home decor trees as they are adorned with vibrantly coloured oranges!

Yes, indoor plants look amazing but trying new trends makes all the difference. Decorate your casa with indoor trees and get ready to receive ample compliments!

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About the author

Shivangi Singh

Shivangi is a perfect union of creativity and imagination. Currently working as a Senior Content Writer at FNP, she is a hardworking content curator and strategist with an experience of 4+ years in writing, mentoring, proofreading, and marketing. She has expertise in writing pieces about gifting, travel, relationships, baking, and astrology and is always up for trying new fields. Besides delivering flawless work, Shivangi is fond of listening to different genres of music, reading poems, watching horror movies and exploring all the buzz-worthy cafes.

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