Love & Romance

Dating Advice for Couples at Work

Dating Advice for Couples at Work

More than friends and family, you spend time with your office colleagues the most. They say don’t mix work and love but tell me is that possible? Driving to work and home, the hours of traffic in between, waking up past midnight to prepare PPT’s, and resting on weekends – where is the time to find love? That’s why it is ok and quite obvious that romance may spark off between people at the office.

There are certain things that couples at work must keep in mind because they may be united in love but for the organization, they are two individuals working for the growth and development of a vision.

Please research about your company policies

Please research about your company policies

There are many organizations that don’t allow brewing romance in office corridors and you must do your research about your company. It would be dreadfully unromantic to scan through your HR department’s dating policy in detail before accepting a dinner invite. Just don’t enter the zone of offense – it doesn’t leave a good reputation.

Be thorough professionals at work

Be thorough professionals at work

Know that you are a couple but don’t indulge in PDA (public display of affection) while at work. That may steam some gossip in your office and you may hear something from someone that will set your mood off. Remember that you are a professional at work who were hired for talent and don’t let romance come in that way.

Keep a distance from favouritism

Keep a distance from favouritism

It is obvious that you will support your partner wholeheartedly but remember to steer clear from favouritism. How to do that? One smart way is to do that is to keep your relationship known only to a few people whom you can trust fully at the office. When too many people come to know about your relationship, they may suspect you of favouritism even when you are just being true to your role.

Find out common factors apart from work

when you are just being true to your role. Find out common factors apart from work

It is obvious that when a couple works at the same organization, they will talk about organizational goals, office politics, or new KRA’s. But limit that to the office only when you meet shortly during your break. If you talk about the same office things at home also, it will start to feel that you haven’t left the office at all. That’s why it is important to find out more common things apart from work.

Ask yourself if it’s worth a shot

Ask yourself if it’s worth a shot

Remember that the stakes are higher when you are romancing your colleague. You always know deep inside you if he/she is the “one” made for you or not. And to come to that conclusion, you have to think 360 degrees. Ask yourself questions like- is there a chance of a long term relationship? What would be the impact on your career? If you break up in the future, would it be easy to face that ex every day at work? Think about all these questions to conclude.

About the author

Shruti Sood

Shruti is crazy about F.R.I.E.N.D.S & that is the first thing she tells everyone she meets! In a parallel universe, she is a passionate writer! She loves to research about various things and make her write-ups informative. She is a marketing professional by day and wears many other hats during the rest of the day! She loves to travel, paint, write poems, play music, and watch memes!

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