Love & Romance

10 Signs that He is going to Propose

10 signs HE is going to propose

There can be two types of proposals. One, where he asks you to be his romantic partner and the other one where he asks you for marriage. The way he proposes can also be of two types. One, where he totally shocks you and the other one where you can see the proposal coming from miles with all the glory. But either way, it is not a bad idea at all to read him minutely and know if he is going to propose. You will be ready mentally if you read these following signs.

Talking about future


Does his WhatsApp status shout about “long term love”? Does he say at least one sentence to you daily that talks of forever love? So, in a nutshell, if he is talking more about the future and sharing thoughts about spending life together then he is about to pop a question for sure.

Is he getting closer to your family or best friend?

getting close to your family

Keep a close eye if he is getting closer to your best friend or sister or any other family member. If yes, that means he is knowing more about you, your critical habits, your choice of jewelry, etc. He is planning to propose to you and by digging deep you may know he went shopping with one of your family members also.

Is he suddenly spending less?

spends less

Has he stopped splurging lavishly? Be it on you or himself – in case he has set some limits on his salary then it might be possible that he is seeing a future with you.

Spending a lot of time with your family

more time with your family

One of the major signs that he is going to propose you soon would be spending time with your family. If he is seen spending at least 2 evenings in a week with your family, then, be sure something is coming up. It shows he is getting more comfortable with your family.

Getting Nervous


He is getting nervous and when you are confronting him, he is feeling awkward. If this is what happens, then, he is planning something big.

Weird behaviour with “Marriage” word


 Is he acting quite weird with the very mention of the word “marriage” anywhere? If yes, he may be thinking about proposing to you real soon.

Sudden interest in your wardrobe


Generally, guys stay away from the wardrobe of women. But if you notice that lately, he is taking an interest in your wardrobe, then, maybe he is trying to find out which kind of ring would you like or what kind of dress would you love.

Planning next vacation minutely


In case you are the one who keeps on nudging him about trips and that’s not happening this time – it’s a big sign that some kind of surprise is kept from you. If he is writing all the nitty-gritty details about this vacation, you can be prepared to get a memorable surprise.

Taking a break from bachelor activities


Is he spending the weekend or Friday night with you shopping for groceries or cuddling with you in front of the TV? Is he is saying goodbye slowly to his other bachelor activities like planning a random get-together, keeping a cluttered room, etc.? These are signs enough.

Bringing you closer to his family

bringing you close to his family

He will start arranging sudden plans with his mom, dad, and siblings on weekends. He will also expect you to be in all the birthdays or anniversary celebration at his place if he is planning to propose to you.

About the author

Shruti Sood

Shruti is crazy about F.R.I.E.N.D.S & that is the first thing she tells everyone she meets! In a parallel universe, she is a passionate writer! She loves to research about various things and make her write-ups informative. She is a marketing professional by day and wears many other hats during the rest of the day! She loves to travel, paint, write poems, play music, and watch memes!

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