Join in the Raksha Bandhan festivities with the enchanting Devotional Bal Ganesh Rakhi, showcasing the lively portrayal of the revered deity Ganesha, seated gracefully with charming 3D features. Inspired by the playful spirit of Bal Ganesh, it's an ideal choice for a playful child. Complemented with our irresistible nuts, offering a spicy kick and a savoury flavour, they add zest and delight to the celebration. Ideal for the brother who values tradition and enjoys flavorful treats, this set creates a perfect blend of tradition and flavour, making your brother's Raksha Bandhan truly special.
Product Details:
- Rakhi: 1
- Rakkhi type: Devotional rakhi
- FNP Peri-Peri almonds: 50gms
- FNP Salt N Pepper cashew: 50gms
- Complimentary roli & chawal
- Net quantity: 1 unit
- Dimension: 17x17x4 cm
- Weight: 500 gm
- Ingredients: Almond, Cashew
- Nutritional Value per 100g (approx)Roasted CashewCalories:161.0 KCalTotal Fat: 13gCholesterol: 0gCarbohydrates: 10gProtein: 4gDietary Fibre: 1g"NUTRITION INFOper 100g (approx)Roasted AlmondsCalories:180.0 KCalTotal Fat: 16gCholesterol: 0gCarbohydrates: 5gProtein: 6gDietary Fibre: 3g"Food allergen: Contains tree nuts
- Net Quantity: 1 Unit
- Country of origin: India