Join in the Raksha Bandhan festivities with the charming Bal Krishna Rakhi, paired with a pack of gourmet jumbo roasted almonds, perfect for kids. Featuring a playful image of naughty Krishna with his butter pot, this delightful Rakhi is designed for your young brother. Complemented with our premium roasted almonds, known for their delicious taste and nutritional benefits, they make a great, healthy snack for kids, promoting their growth and well-being. Complete with roli and chawal, this Rakhi is ideal for celebrating the festival with a blend of tradition and health-conscious treats, making Raksha Bandhan even more special.
Product Details:
- Rakhi: 1
- FNP jumbo roasted almonds:100gms
- Complimentary roli+chawal
- Net quantity: 1
- Weight: 500gms
- Dimension: 17x17x4 cm
- Ingredients: Almonds
- Nutritional value per 100g (approx)Roasted AlmondsCalories:180.0 KCalTotal Fat: 16gCholesterol: 0gCarbohydrates: 5gProtein: 6gDietary Fibre: 3g
- Food allergen: Contains tree nuts
- VegNet Quantity: 1 Unit
- Country of origin: India