Zodiac Signs

Why People Of Sagittarius Zodiac Sign Are So Special

Sagittarius Zodiac Sign

Sagittarius is the 9th astrological sign in the zodiac and it is associated with the constellation Sagittarius. The zodiac symbol is “Archer” and that means no one can beat the people of this sign in the game of bow and arrow. Inversely, it also means that when they are focused on a certain goal, it is hard to distract them from winning. As the birthday month of Sagittarians arrives, it would be great to know the nitty-gritty details about them so that you can pick up only the best gifts to surprise them.

Details About Sagittarius

  • Element: Fire
  • Zodiac Symbol: The Archer or Centaur
  • Color: Light Blue, White, Cream Purple, and Orange
  • Sanskrit Name: Dhanus
  • Lucky Day: Thursday, Wednesday, and Fridays
  • Ruler: Jupiter
  • Lucky Numbers: 3, 7, 9, 12, 21
  • Date Range: 22nd November – 21st December
  • Greatest Overall Compatibility: Gemini, Leo, & Aries
  • Least Compatibility: Taurus & Cancer
  • Strength: Generous, Honesty, Outspoken Attitude, Witty, Idealistic, Amazing Sense of Humor, Optimistic, Enthusiastic, & Energetic
  • Weaknesses: Overconfidence, Restless, Boastfulness, Inconsistency, Careless, & Short-Temper
  • Likes: Freedom, Travel, Philosophy, Flirting, Pop Music, Laughter, Karaoke, & Just Being Outdoors
  • Dislikes: Clingy People, Being Controlled, Details, Prejudice, Rules & Routines, & Off-the-wall Theories
  • Lucky Stone: Yellow Sapphire & Turquoise
  • How to Spot A Sagittarius: Strong Legs, Laughing Eyes, & Funny Facial Expressions
  • Sagittarius Secret Wish: To Make Their Own Rules & Live Without Feeling Restricted & Also To Have Super Powers.
  • Famous Personalities: John Lennon, Vishwanathan Anand, Rajnikanth, Govinda, Konkona Sen Sharma, Steven Spielberg, Walt Disney, Diya Mirza, Boman Irani, John Abraham, Dharmendra, Brad Pitt, Britney Spears, Nicki Minaj, Miley Cyrus, Jay-Z, Taylor Swift, etc.

Dreamer of Big Things

Sagittarius never ever settle for the less. They on an optimistic mind and are full of enthusiasm and thus dreaming big is nothing impossible for them. They put all their energies and focus on that big dream and build their empire. Some people may call them “crazy” for dreaming the “impossible” or “unachievable”. But Sagittarians are all about chasing the high hopes and big dreams.

Birthday Gift Tip: Let them jot down their plans in an organized manner in a lovely diary or planner. So, a zodiac sign notebook, business planner, or a personalized laptop cover would be great!

Playful Wit & Zany Sense of Humor

Whatever the situation of life may be – Sagittarians have an interesting way of perceiving them. Their witty nature and a crazy sense of humour make them live through the challenges of life with ease. Therefore, one can only expect fun and wicked jokes whenever a Sagittarius is in the room. For this nature, they are always in the priority list of invitees to any parties. Moreover, they observe everyone and everything around them and come up with sarcasm that is hysterical.

Birthday Gift Tip: Pick up the weird gifts for them from here.

Sincerely Honest People

The Sagittarius is one of the most straightforward signs of the zodiac. Sometimes they speak the truth bluntly which might bring an upheaval in a happy home or a calm office. But in their mind, they see a clear picture of the future. It is good to stay away from lies and the Sagittarians feel it is their utmost duty and responsibility to disclose the lies. In the beginning, it may feel like a bumpy ride when a lie or debauchery is revealed but in the long run people, it would help people. So, don’t expect Sagittarians to sugarcoat things for you – they are straight up with truth & honesty.

Birthday Gift Tip: Gift hamper of chocolates & cookies!

Fiercely Independent Souls

Please don’t dictate your terms and conditions on a Sagittarius. He/she won’t stay then! One simply cannot cage a Sagittarian with rules and routines. They are the rule breakers – mind it! Sagittarians distance themselves from people who try to control them. Being independent is a virtue in a world of people who are trying to copy each other or follow the footsteps of others. And that’s why a Sagittarius is always a bit special.

Birthday Gift Tip: A cool personalized t-shirt with your choicest words!

Blessed With Immense Observational Powers

A Sagittarius can read you like a book. They are blessed with a unique quality of knowing people in bits and pieces only minutes after meeting them. Their immense observational skills make them look into all the details which easily everyone must have missed. A Sagittarian can be a detective as their intuition can never go wrong.

Birthday Gift Tip: Flowers with dry fruits combo.

Hardest Sign To Fool

A Sagittarian is someone who thinks ten steps ahead of what everyone else is thinking and that’s why they are very difficult to fool. When they are unsure of things they work up all night to make full-length Plan B, C, D, E, F, and so on. Isn’t that a unique quality to have?

Birthday Gift Tip: Surprise with midnight delivery of designer cake!

Proud Risk Takers

If Sagittarius is convinced of something, then they won’t mind taking any risks to reach that goal. They would take every kind of risk for that big dream and ambition. As said earlier, they have their full-proof Plan B, C, D, E, F, etc. up their sleeve and that’s why there is a bleak possibility that they will fail. They know it deliberately that to win something big in life, risks are obvious. They are special for this recklessness!

Birthday Gift Tip: Wish them luck with Feng Sui products!

Being Curious & Creative

John Lennon & Brad Pitt – are two of the many talented and creative Sagittarians. They are a creative bunch of people and mesmerize people with their creation. So, they excel in music, writing, dramatics, philosophy, and in any field of art. One of the most special qualities of Sagittarius is that they are constantly involved in knowing everything that is happening under the sun. They are incessantly and tirelessly curious in knowing and gaining knowledge.

Birthday Gift Tip: Bonsai & Terrariums would be perfect!

Don’t Hold Grudges of The Past

Sagittarius is that sign which is least likely to hold on to grudges of the past. They just sail forward and focus on life ahead with lots of enthusiasm. As too many things are in their head and they find it crucial to put their energy into achieving those goals.

Birthday Gift Tip: A Personalised Mug that has a quote on it.

Off Drama

Sagittarius don’t have time to invest in baseless gossips or participate in unnecessary melodrama. They simply prefer to focus on the problems or challenges of their loved ones, discuss them, and find a solution. Or they would spend some quality time with their close friends and family.

Birthday Gift Tip: A Fitness Band or Spa Hamper gifts!

Travel & Adventure

The Sagittarius isn’t too fond of sitting around doing the same mundane thing day in and day out. To feel life in every cell of their body, they need to go out and travel to the unknown and learn new things. This thirst and hunger for “new things in life” and open to change” keep people around them motivated and inspired in a big way.

Birthday Gift Tip: Personalized Passport Cover for sure!

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About the author

Shruti Sood

Shruti is crazy about F.R.I.E.N.D.S & that is the first thing she tells everyone she meets! In a parallel universe, she is a passionate writer! She loves to research about various things and make her write-ups informative. She is a marketing professional by day and wears many other hats during the rest of the day! She loves to travel, paint, write poems, play music, and watch memes!

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