“If this is love,
Why does it break me down?”- Ruth B
Can you relate to the above line? Is your partner behaving erratically? Is YOUR relationship on the verge of sinking? If your answer to these questions is a big yes, then it’s time you notice the hints. And, to help you out, we went ahead and created a list of signs that your partner is over you. No, it’s not a random list. This is made according to the Zodiac sign of your partner. So, take a sneak peek and find your answers!
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If you are dating Aries, then the signs will be pretty clear. This zodiac is impulsive and gets irritated easily with people who don’t matter to them. So they will either stop being all lovey-dovey or stop spending time with you.
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The Taurus zodiac is stubborn, and comfort means everything to them. They will become all the more stubborn, and roasting you will be the clear indication that it’s over!
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Geminis are often deemed as one of the most flirtatious zodiac signs. If they are losing interest in you, they will start sending mixed signals. They will not express themselves directly, and you can also find them flirting with other people.
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The Cancer zodiac is an emotional sign that cares a lot for their partner. They stop caring for you and will stop expressing their love for you. The night stays will reduce, and the hugs will fade away!
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Leos love with all their might. They try everything before calling it quits. But when Leos are out of love, then they will just say it. They won’t beat around the bush and be very direct.
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Get ready for loads of criticism. The Virgos will keep criticising you all the time and will make sure that you are the one who breaks up.
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When Libra wants to break up, they will stop spending time with you and avoid you whenever they feel like it!
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The Scorpio zodiac will be gentle and won’t throw any hints when it comes to breaking up. Instead, they will talk to you directly and make it easier.
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A Sagittarius doesn’t like any drama. Therefore, they will stop paying attention and will avoid fights at all costs. Furthermore, they will start ignoring your texts and calls.
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Capricorns are the most hardworking zodiac sign. They don’t have time for meaningless things. So they will keep insulting you on petty issues and make you break up!
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If the Aquarians want a breakup, then they will start feeling pity for you. They may end up cheating on you, or the love will vanish away!
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Pisces are the most expressive zodiac. If they are over you, then the letters, the songs, the romantic gestures, and the gifts won’t be there anymore!