Do you end up doubting your partner, or are you on the other side? No, it is not their or your innate nature, but the stars do have some role to play in all those suspicious thoughts. Some zodiacs are born with trust issues, and even a slight thing can instigate them into thinking extreme. Do you want to know more? Check out our list of zodiac signs that have trust issues and figure out are the stars are to be blamed or not!
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All Aries will indeed agree with us. It is not easy for them to trust easily. They will keep testing you and your patience. But, there is hope. When they actually trust you, you will be in the happiest relationship until you don’t screw it up.
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Taurus is the second zodiac sign and is equally insecure as the Aries. When they are fond of someone, they will find everything about them and will clear their doubts before becoming serious. While they are in a relationship, be ready to answer about your whereabouts as it is tough for them to trust.
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Pisces, give their all in a relationship. To protect their heart from getting hurt, they will keep doubting you. They will act all cool. Moreover, they are always super careful before trusting you.
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The Cancer zodiac is known for hiding their feelings as they don’t trust easily. This is one sign that will never let you know about their trust issues. You will always see them as super secure, but they have doubts, and you must always be very careful as they may run back to their shells.
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Leo is the most confident zodiac sign. But, when it comes to relationships it isn’t true. They have major trust issues. The reason behind these issues is simple. They are scared to lose anyone they become close to.