
What to do if your crush has Friendzoned you?

What to do if your crush has Friendzoned you

Having a crush over a friend or a colleague is quite normal. But one thing that is not acceptable to the heart is- getting friendzoned by them. Yes, it hurts like hell. And that one statement that they like you as well but ‘as a friend’ sounds like another form of rejection.

Well, worry not because we are here to help you get out of the friend zone.

Analyse your feelings

Analyse your feelings

Ask yourself if you really want to date this person or is it just infatuation. If not, then it’s better to move on and be happy with the friendship.

Spend more time together

Spend more time together

If you want to be more than friends, get to know them first. Let your friendship bloom before you take it to another level. Spend more one-on-one time together.

Flirt a little

Flirt a little

It might feel a little awkward in the starting. Start with eye contact. Gaze a bit longer than you normally do. Compliment them. These small things matter a lot. They’ll start thinking of you as more than just a friend. 

Show physical affection

Show physical affection

Not in a creepy way, of course. Subtle touch as a flirtation method is healthy. As long as the other person seems comfortable with it. Touch their hand while you’re talking. Hug them when you see them. It will help you break down that friend zone barrier. 

Show you’re a dating material

Show you’re a dating material

Give the other person time to get comfortable with the idea. Show yourself as a confident person. Talk about yourself in a positive light. Ask them for little favours when you get a chance like helping you with a project or giving you a ride back home. 

Give them space

Give them space

Make yourself unavailable sometimes. It might give them a chance to realise how much they miss you when you aren’t around. Keep yourself busy and be patient.

Accept & move on

Accept & move on

It is important to know when to stop & when to continue. If you’ve tried everything and you’re still friendzoned, accept it & move on. Accept the rejection with grace & dignity.

Some things are meant to be, and some simply aren’t. Process your feelings and believe that the right one for you is still out there.

About the author

Apeksha Rawat

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