Investing in your relationship with your mother-in-law (MIL) is as important as building a great one with your husband. It can turn out to be a great blessing in the long run. Getting along with your MIL can be a bit challenging, but it is not impossible. The sooner you accept each other whole-heartedly, the happier life will be for both.
Below are some tips to improve your relationship with her without compromising much.
Get to know her
Take out time to get to know each other. Spend some quality time with her. Talk to her about your spouse’s childhood. It will help you two bond.
Include her in your life
Include your MIL in family activities, outings, and functions. Find the time to invite her over and bond. Don’t make her feel left out.
Compliment her
We all love a good compliment. So, when your MIL cooks a new dish or tries something new, be sure to appreciate her efforts and let her know how great she is. If she goes out of her way to help you or do something extraordinary, express your gratitude with a thoughtful gift.
Don’t compete with her
Always remember, you are not in competition with your MIL. Don’t stress over the fact that she’s better than you at something. Rather ask for her advice to help you get better at things.
Be open & honest about your feelings with her. Tell her what’s on your mind, try to fix the issue affecting your relationship and move forward.
Listen to her
Listen to how she’s feeling or what she needs from you. Take the time to make sure those needs are met. It will improve your relationship and bring you closer.
Offer Help
Whenever your MIL is trying to do something new, do offer to help. It will show how much you’re trying to be involved in her life.
Be understanding
It’s hard for mothers to deal with the fact that their son has another woman in their life. Try to understand her situation. Let her know that no matter how good a wife you are, you can never take her place.
Build your relationship with love and give it a chance to grow.