We all have our own quirks. Some of those quirks are a part of our inner self and we express it only while sleeping. You would find some talking in their sleep while others taking a brisk walk in their sleep. And there are different kinds of sleepers. Here is a list:
The Light Sleeper
Robbers can not enter their house, because they’ll wake up even if someone drops a pin.
The Blanket Snatcher
They love their blankets more than anything.
The Snorer
They not only make life miserable for the person sleeping next to them but for anyone in the house.
Yoga Pose Sleeper
Their sleeping positions vary from Shavaasan to Tadhaasan.
The Kumbhkaran
Orchestra, Rock Band, or Opera, no one can wake them up.
The Gamer
They fall asleep while playing ‘Ek last game.’ They often wake up when they drop the phone on their face.
The Space Maker
These people can sleep in the tiniest of spaces. Although I always wonder if they feel claustrophobic.
The Embryo Sleeper
Is it a person or a ball? Who knows. They literally sleep within themselves.
The Sleep Talker
They never stop talking, it’s like they will reveal all their secrets while sleeping.
The I Can Sleep Anywhere Anytime
Buses, Metro, Office Meetings, Coffee Shops and even Movie Halls. They will sleep anywhere, anytime.
The Sleep Walker
Just like white walkers from the game of thrones, they walk around the house like they are searching for the final victory.
So, what kind of sleeper are you?