
Top 5 Things To Know About Money Plants

5 Things To Know About Money Plants

Hello Everyone…..

Originally, I belong to Mo’orea – a beautiful locale in the South Pacific island, part of French Polynesia’s Society Islands archipelago. This place is known for its sharp volcanic mountains and sandy beaches. My family is the Araceae which has monocotyledonous flowering plants. My family has named me “Epipremnum aureum” which is quite a tough one to remember. So, my admirers have given me an easier name – Money Plant. I have plenty of other pet names like hunter’s robe, devil’s vine, devil’s ivy, ivy arum, and Ceylon creeper. You must have seen me in all tropical and sub-tropical regions of the world. You can generally locate me near the window pane – trying to climb upwards.

The experts of Feng Shui have attached many guidelines regarding my abode in people’s homes. They say Southeast would be the best place for me as the luck of my owner would shine brighter. If by mistake you keep me in the Northeast, North, and East direction of your home, then, things won’t be amicable for you. Another tip that comes from Vastu Shastra is that I should always be given a place inside the home and not outside or garden area. Please also do not spread my vines on the floor, otherwise, you may face financial loss.

Unlike my other plant friends, I am not so demanding about sunlight. You can keep me in a low-light condition or give me partial sunlight – I will still grow. I love sandy & peat-moss based soils and my pot should have good drainage otherwise my roots would rot. Give me water only when I am thirsty, i.e., when the topsoil is dry. You can also give me a fertilizer treat once a month (only in summer) and that will make me stronger.

I will share the top 5 essential things about myself here.
  1. Each of my branches has five leaves and I represent the five elements of Nature. As I represent these elements – Fire, Air, Metal, Wood, and Water, I am considered lucky. I also help bring a lot of positive energy to my owner and help in multiplying their good luck and prosperity. Each of these elements comes with their own set of significance. Air represents new life, power of the mind, and communication while the water represents purification and psychic power. Wood symbolizes benevolence and brilliance while the fire represents creation, destruction, and transformation. Metal represents righteousness and longevity.
  2. If you happen to meet any Feng Shui expert or enthusiast, they will give amazing reviews about me. If you keep me near your computer, laptop, TV set, or WiFi router, I will absorb maximum radiation coming out of these objects and keep you safe. You can also keep me in front of the sharp corners of your house and by doing so, you will see the magic happening around you. The number of arguments in your home would reduce and the quality of your sleep will also improve. You can thank me later for that.
  3. NASA studied me and declared that I am one of the best plants that are fit to provide you protection against air pollution. Keeping me at home means you will be safe from the synthetic chemicals and furniture cleansing solutions too. My leaves help in filtering the air and I eat away formaldehyde, trichloroethene, toluene, xylene, and benzene that are toxic for you. Additionally, I also enhance the flow of oxygen.
  4. I love playing with fish and staying immersed in water and that’s why some people prefer to keep me in an aquarium or fish bowls. I grow roots in water and I absorb nitrates from aquarium water. And I use these nitrates for my growth.
  5. So, now, if you think that I am only about bringing luck and removal of toxins from the air, then you are wrong. You would be really delighted to see me when I bloom. My white and creamy flowers have an enchanting fragrance that attracts bees and butterflies.

You can find me in any local nursery or online stores like Ferns N Petals. You can later share these “money plant benefits” with your friends and inspire them to take me to their homes.

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About the author

Shruti Sood

Shruti is crazy about F.R.I.E.N.D.S & that is the first thing she tells everyone she meets! In a parallel universe, she is a passionate writer! She loves to research about various things and make her write-ups informative. She is a marketing professional by day and wears many other hats during the rest of the day! She loves to travel, paint, write poems, play music, and watch memes!

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