Personalised Gifts

How I Saved the Day with Same Day Delivery?

Same Day Delivery

In my last blog, I wrote at length as to how I doused the fire in my relationship by getting a cake delivered to Varun in Sydney. It helped ease the situation to a great extent and all was well in our little fairyland. Varun was super excited when he received his favorite Tiramisu (tih-ruh-mee-SOO) cake and he loved the flavor as well. It was, “Oh so heavenly” in his exact full-of-cake-in-his-mouth words!

Varun was travelling to India for 3 days for an urgent work meeting and I couldn’t be more excited (except for the work part) but still, something was better than nothing. He reached on Monday and his return flight back was on Thursday (Poor guy could not even shrug off his jet lag). I was at a work conference and I was finishing that on Wednesday night. He told me that he could only meet me on Thursday for a few hours before he had to fly back. My thoughts were racing as I had to plan our time ahead of us. I wanted to surprise him with a few customised gifts that he could take back with himself and place them around his house. That way a lot of our cherished memories could be right in front of him. Memories are moments gone by… And our moments have given us some beautiful “Instagram-worthy” pictures together. One of my friends had got a LED bottle lamp as an anniversary present and I had my eyes on it since that day. I wanted to gift Varun a similar thing but with our photo on it. Since I was busy with my work conference I forgot to place the order and only realized it on Wednesday morning.

Frantically I searched online for websites where I could get the same and I came across a few which were providing the customised bottle lamp. There are some really beautiful options available with some websites. However, the only problem was that they were asking for 4-5 days for delivery. At that point, time was a luxury I did not have as I wanted the gift ready by Wednesday so that I could gift him the next day. I was really disappointed but I did something intelligent. I quickly called up my friend and asked him where he got the personalised LED bottle lamp. He told me that he ordered it from Ferns N Petals after he realized he forgot his anniversary. In the oh-no-I-forgot-my-anniversary moment, he was looking for same day delivery options and Ferns N Petals was providing the same.

That is exactly what I am looking for- I shouted inside my brain. I knew my problem was sorted and I immediately went online and placed the order not only for the bottle lamp but also personalised mug & LED cushion and a new sort of flower arrangement like that of flowers in a sleeve which I had never seen before on any other website. Ferns N Petals provides a real smooth order placement experience and they provide the delivery as promised. On Wednesday evening I received all my gifts safely packed. I wrote a few love notes, arranged a few fairy lights, chocolates and I was good to go for Thursday evening with the love of my life.

Varun was awestruck when he saw the LED bottle lamp with his favorite picture of us on it. The lamp lights up beautifully in the dark. I had kept a few love notes around the lamp and while he was busy reading those I surprised him with the mug & LED cushion with 2 more pictures of us from our first trip together. Varun was over the moon and said that it was the best surprise ever!

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About the author

Shruti Sood

Shruti is crazy about F.R.I.E.N.D.S & that is the first thing she tells everyone she meets! In a parallel universe, she is a passionate writer! She loves to research about various things and make her write-ups informative. She is a marketing professional by day and wears many other hats during the rest of the day! She loves to travel, paint, write poems, play music, and watch memes!

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