
How can you make a difference this World Environment Day?

How can you make a difference this World Environment Day

World Environment Day is celebrated on 5th June each year to spread awareness among people about environmental issues. The theme of World Environment Day 2020 is- Biodiversity. Biodiversity is essential to the survival of all life on Earth. It provides us with food, water and resources. Without biodiversity, there would be no human existence at all. Therefore, humans need to realise how their actions affect biodiversity and try to minimise them & ensure a better future for humanity.

Here are a few useful tips that you can follow as an individual to make an impactful difference this World Environment Day.

Save water

Unplug electronic devices

Turn the tap off when brushing your teeth. Take short showers. Fix the leaking pipes or dripping taps. Collect rainwater for watering your lawn. 

Buy recycled products

Buy recycled products

Creating new items from scratch is a complex process that requires a lot of resources. Use recycled products to reduce the demand for energy and cut down on carbon dioxide emissions. 

Avoid plastic bottles

Avoid plastic bottles

Plastic bottles have a hazardous effect on the environment. It takes three times the amount of water to make a plastic bottle than it does to fill. Purchase a reusable glass or stainless steel water bottles. 

Go green

Go green

Grow plants. Buy energy-efficient light bulbs or LED lights. It will decrease your carbon footprint and also lower your electricity bulb.

Renewable Solar Energy

Renewable Solar Energy

The solar panels create clean energy without water and do not contribute to air pollution. It helps fight climate change & have a positive effect on humankind’s health.

Go Paperless

Go Paperless

Pay bills online. Get bank and credit card statements online. In fact, trains and flights also accept online tickets to avoid the wastage of paper.

Use Public Transportation

Use Public Transportation

While travelling, try to use public transportation. Use a bicycle for your daily commute to work. Opt for carpooling options for travelling around the city. If you can, ditch the transport and hit the pavements for a walk. It will cut down your carbon emissions.

Unplug electronic devices

Unplug electronic devices

Turn off the electronic devices when not in use. Turn off the AC, fan or lights when you leave the room. Unplug the laptops, mobile phones and other electronic gadgets once they are charged. 

About the author

Apeksha Rawat

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