
Dry Fasting for Weight Loss- Benefits & Risks

Dry Fasting for Weight Loss- Benefits & Risks

Dry fasting, or absolute fasting, is a type of fasting that restricts both food and water intake. Not being able to eat or drink anything for an extended period or an entire day makes it a strict fasting method.

It is said that dry fasting offers quick results in weight loss because of the extreme conditions it makes a person go through. Apart from weight loss, it is also known to boost metabolism, slow down ageing, and improve immunity.

Types of Dry Fasting:

Intermittent fasting– This form of fasting cycles between fasting and eating. According to the 16/8 method, you restrict food or water intake for 16 hours and allow you to eat or drink during an 8-hour window. According to the 20/4 method, you can consume food or liquid within a 4-hour gap per day and abstain from it for the remaining 20 hours.

Alternate Dry Fasting– It’s a form of 1-day fasting done every other day.

Prolonged Dry Fasting– In this type of fasting, food or water intake is restricted for 48-72 hours. Since water is essential for every organ in our body to function and severe dehydration can lead to even death; therefore, such an extreme form of dry fasting is not recommended.

Absolute Dry Fasting– It means abstaining not only from drinking but also from having any contact with the water at all, including not showering, not washing your hands, and not even brushing your teeth. The goal is to cut out the liquid intake completely.

Benefits of Dry Fasting:

  • The extreme restriction of calories is effective for quick weight loss
  • Strengthens the body’s immune system 
  • Removes damaged cells & allows the body to regenerate new ones
  • Increases good cholesterol
  • Helps treat diabetes
  • Reduces inflammation 
  • Lowers blood pressure
  • Improves your metabolism
  • Improves your brain health
  • Slows down the ageing process.

Risks of Dry Fasting:

Like all types of fasting, dry fasting has some potential risks as well.

  • Avoiding water can make you feel even hungrier
  • You’re likely to feel weak, tired, and dizzy
  • As hunger builds up, you may feel irritated
  • Restricting nutrients, especially carbohydrates can lead to headaches
  • When you’re hungry, it can be difficult to concentrate and focus
  • You may have decreased, dark or smelly urination.

Make sure dry fasting is the right choice for you. Go slow and prepare your body in advance. Start with water fast first. Make sure you increase your fat intake before your dry fast to reduce any discomfort during fasting. Stick to your fast schedule for best results. 

About the author

Apeksha Rawat

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