
10 Tips to Stay Safe during Quarantine

10 Tips to Stay Safe during Quarantine

The world is going through a really tough time. To help fight the world pandemic, the best thing we can do is to stay healthy ourselves. By taking care of yourself, you will be doing a favour to yourself, the people around you and the health care workers. 

Here are 10 simple tips which will help you remain healthy:

Do Not Cross That Lakshaman Rekha

Do Not Cross That Lakshaman Rekha

We all know this. If you don’t go out, you won’t catch any infections, and won’t spread it around. Just stay indoors.

Eat Your Green Magical Beans

Eat Your Green Magical Beans

Doctors have been telling us to boost our immune system forever now. It is no rocket science that green vegetables help you do so, eat your greens without that cringy look on your face.

Sleep On Time

Sleep On Time

It is quarantine, not party time. It is absolutely to make the most of this time and have a little fun, but staying up late won’t really help you be healthy. You will only end up sleeping on your skype calls from work.

Do Not Abandon Your Pets

Do Not Abandon Your Pets

Your pets can not infect you, so stop abandoning them. Instead, they can help you cope up with this tough time, by easing your anxiety.

Wash Your Hands, John!

Wash Your Hands, John!

This is just an expression. What I am trying to say is please wash your hands before you eat or feed someone else. John didn’t wash his hands after using the restroom, do not be like John.

Stop Drinking Like It is a Party

Stop Drinking Like It is a Party

When WHO informed people that it is safe to use an alcohol-based hand rub to sanitize their hands, they did not mean consumption of alcohol can immune you from viruses. 

Stop Following The Panic Monsters on Social Media

Stop Following The Panic Monsters on Social Media

Now, you will find these fake, self-proclaimed new reporters who would say things to create panic among the public. They would even come up with self-medicating techniques. Unfollow them.

Stop Smoking Like a Chimney

Stop Smoking Like a Chimney

Smokers need to understand that this is a crucial time. The world is filled with respiratory diseases, why put yourself at a risk?

Namaste Is The Best

Namaste Is The Best

If you go out of the house for some urgent work, do not shake hands with other people. Namaste may sound old fashioned, but it is the new trend.

Stop Touching Your Face

Stop Touching Your Face

Stop fixing your makeup, or touching your face while admiring yourself. We all know that you are pretty, you just need to stop touching your face.

We all know the basic instructions given by medical professionals, but fail to follow them.
Hopefully, you will follow them now.

About the author

Shruti Sood

Shruti is crazy about F.R.I.E.N.D.S & that is the first thing she tells everyone she meets! In a parallel universe, she is a passionate writer! She loves to research about various things and make her write-ups informative. She is a marketing professional by day and wears many other hats during the rest of the day! She loves to travel, paint, write poems, play music, and watch memes!

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