LOVE, the most complicated word ever exemplified in the dictionary. Don’t misunderstand me when I say it is the most complex word. I don’t mean to say it is loathsome or something, but, it is just complicated in its weird own way. Is it the attraction/fascination/affection/stupidity or what exactly is it?
Okay, now I don’t want to sound like depressed egocentric. I love love! I have revered anything from fairy tale love to the dark fanatical stories. I give ‘aww’ feeling when I see a cute couple kissing in the park. Yes, I am whimsical, but, never actually understood the meaning of love!
It was Friday night! I had to go for a party but, it was quite late by the time I was returning for my room. Distance from that place to my stop of metro was actually a long journey. I took out my phone to check out my whatsapp messages. But, alas! GPS has imbibed out charge from my phone. I started thinking about all things, I was supposed to do on the very next day. But, seriously what I was thinking about?
So, with the bizarre stinking mess running around my mind, I just looked around the metro. Shocked to see that metro was almost vacant. I checked my watch, it was 22.30 and started rethinking if I could have gone to the party. And then from corner of my eye, I speckled a lady sitting just in front of me. May be she trapped me corner eyeing her, so I found her smiling at me. With not much of choice left, I delivered a smile back to her. Covered in a purple dress with matching white and violet scarf, her graceful genuine smile seems definite to win several hearts. Did I mention that she was 70+ beautiful charming old lady with perfectly toned wrinkles and hair as white as snow?
After an initial couple of conversational starters, I didn’t know why, but, I really felt very close to this lady. I didn’t even know how our normal topic shifted to the excitement about the Valentine day. Well wisely, I really did nothing on the day when whole world celebrated love. So, when she started burrowing in about what I did on that day, I cracked my thoughts and started complaining like a kid, just I do with my granny. Then, I asked beautiful co passenger as whether she has any story that would entice me. She started explaining me about love of her life. She met him and have been in love ever since. He died about two years ago, but, she still celebrated Valentine’s Day in his memory. I was trying to hold back my tears, but, I think it was one of the cutest episode I have ever heard. But, during course of the talk, I went through something that shook my heart from the core. I was amazed when she said that she was never married. She has been with her love for glorious 50 years, but never felt the inevitability of marriage and had two children living happily.
I couldn’t hold back myself giving a big ‘aww’ after listening to one of the cutest conversation ever in the metro. Finally bid her a goodbye and got down on my stop.  On my way to home, I started to contemplate, may be, I was going all wrong with the term ‘love’. May be it is not about what it meant in the past or what it holds in the future, but, is about what is now. Every phase of life, we are bounded by love, but, actually fail to realize how lovely the life is.