Flowers Bouquets

The language of Love and Flowers

Festivals find us givers and receivers of flowers. We choose them according to design and style but in Victorian times flowers spoke a language of their own. Flowers were chosen to express feelings and emotions based on their colors. A book called “The Language of flowers “was published in 1884 which discussed in detail the symbolism of flowers.

The writings of Shakespeare are rich in flower and plant metaphors and their varying symbolism. Some modern day enthusiasts have created gardens inspired by the shakesperean themes using the plants and flowers he referred to in his plays.


 In Victorian times, Tussie Mussies or Nosegays as they are now called were used to convey the sentiment of love. Perhaps this Valentine’s Day you can choose flowers for love or love flowers based on the underlying sentiment they exude. It might be a good idea to include a card with the symbolic meaning of the flower. Most of the flowers and foliage in the articles can be found at the online portals.

Roses are an evergreen selection for Valentine’s day or to generally express lov . Red roses exude love through their form and color. White roses signify unity and peace; pink ones signify gracefulness and loveliness; yellow roses symbolize friendship or jealousy.

Tulips too, symbolize love. A bunch of red tulips is a confession of love while yellow ones signifcy hopeless love.

Lilies signify purity, Freesia’s innocence; eucalyptus leaves temptation, gladioli generosity and Baby Bliss a pure heart.

Spicy carnations are another popular Valentine’s Day selection. Admiration, pride and beauty are expressed by a bunch of carnations. Pure and ardent love are indicated by the white ones . The divine mother and child duo is signified by pink carnations and these are popular for Mother’s Day. White ones signify disdain and striped ones are an indication of refusal.

A simple way of suggesting romance is the mistletoe which means a kiss. The japonica flower is also a concise way of sending love whereas a pink hyacinth carries the lesser meaning of playful joy.

Despite being symbols of love and emotion, flowers were used to signify negative emotions as well .When insults were considered too racy to be hurled at each other in polite society , Victorians used flowers to express anger. Indifference was shown with candytufts while garlic was designed to make the recipient stink. They also inferred that there was an evil force or disease that needed to be warded off.

Nothing could be more frank than the orange lily which messaged pure and simple hatred.

Despite these negative connotations flowers today have positive symbolism and exude the poetry of love. Flowers for love and love flowers are universally recognized as harbingers of joy.

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