Having your birthday on 29th Feb can be really exhausting. All those jokes, those weird questions about how it feels to have your birthday come once in 4 years can be irritating, to say the least. You cannot change the way the earth rotates! So, it can be tough, but you need to know that you are a very special person. Like everyone, you also have a lot of questions about your future, love life, etc. So we decided to do a special tarot card reading just for those born on 29th Feb. This reading would be describing how the year 2020 would be in regards to love, career, health, and finances.
I drew out the 3 cards: Page of Wands, 10 of Cups, and 3 of Cups.
When it comes to love, the year 2020 is going to be really lucky for leaplings. As the cards suggest, you can expect good news your way. If you are already in a relationship, you may feel more enthusiastic about your partner. You can expect a great level of excitement in your relationship. If you have been thinking of taking steps towards commitment in your relationship, this year would be great. Any enduring issues in your relationship would be solved. The chances of you and your partner celebrating your relationship are great. The chances of marriage or expanding your family are high. If you are single and looking for companionship, 2020 is going to shower you with luck in love.
I drew out the 3 cards: The Tower, Wheel of Fortune, and 9 of Cups.
The year 2020 is going to be a professional rollercoaster for leaplings. You may experience many ups and downs in your professional life. You may experience a loss of job, opportunity or failure in your career. All of this would be sudden, wherein one moment you would be on the top of the tier, and next moment you would find yourself being pushed down to the bottom. You need to be very careful of the people around you. You may be surrounded by people who praise you, just to get their own work done. Their praises might make you experience the pride, but you need to understand that it is important to smile and keep working on making yourself better.
Although the year is going to end well for you, the universe will work in your favour and eventually you will stumble upon an opportunity that you have been waiting for long. Just remember not to feel too much of pride.
I drew out the 3 cards: 9 of Wands, 6 of Cups, and The World.
The year 2020 will be decent money wise. You may stumble upon some unexpected gains. It is very possible that you may receive an inheritance. If you have been facing any financial crisis in the past, your fortune will turn around and you will come through it this year. If you have been worrying about your finances, you should take advice from someone rather than keeping things to yourself. A wise woman may help you in getting your finances on track, make sure to follow her advice. Although things would turn out okay, it is not a good year to make any risky investments as it may not turn out in your favour. You may benefit from by donating and participating in charity work.
I drew out the 3 cards: The Emperor, Queen of Wands, and Ace of Pentacles
Talking about your health, the year 2020 would a great year. Any recurring health problems would be solved, and you will feel stronger than ever. If you have been worried about something in the past, which caused distressed, things would get better. The cards suggest that this year, you would be healed physically, mentally, and spiritually. An extremely strict routine may cause distress, so make sure you break free every once in a while. Minor health problems like headache, and stress, may indicate that you need to take a break. It suggests that you need to include more physical activity in your schedule.