
Medicinal Plants that help quit smoking


Did you know there are quite a lot of plants that can help you to quit smoking? Hard to believe but true. If you are a chain smoker or an occasional smoker and if you are struggling to quit smoking, here is a list of medicinal plants that will help you quit smoking easily.


Fresh ginger

Our Indian cuisine is almost incomplete without ginger. You will find ginger in teas, soups, and curries. Tea or simply warm water with ginger helps you to curb the urges to smoke. It leaves a satisfying sensation on your palate and that distracts you from having a cigaratte.


licorice tea

It is one of the most helpful medicinal herbs that will help you to quit smoking. You can chew the roots of this herb that will relax you and urge you to withdraw smoking.

Passion Flower

passion flower

Known as Krishna Kamal in Hindi, it is an excellent medicinal plant to cut your smoking habit. You have to use both its petals and fruits in dry form to put them in boiling water. After 10 minutes, sieve the tea and consume it before going to bed. It will give you a soothing and relaxing feeling.



Catnip is also known as catmint. It helps in the reduction of anxiety and helps you cope with insomnia that you may face when you try to quit smoking. It will also ease your digestion. Some also say that a few drops of catnip tincture on the back of the tongue, helps reduce the urge to smoke.



Turmeric has been proven to be an excellent detoxifier for your smoke-filled lungs. Take one small piece of ginger, 400 gms of chopped onions, 2 tablespoons of turmeric powder, 1 litre of water, and bring it to boil. Sieve the tea and mix some honey.



This is a brilliant medicinal herb that has nervine properties. It relaxes and renews the central nervous system. That’s why it is used to cure nervousness, anxiety, insomnia, and stress while you are not having cigarettes.

About the author

Shruti Sood

Shruti is crazy about F.R.I.E.N.D.S & that is the first thing she tells everyone she meets! In a parallel universe, she is a passionate writer! She loves to research about various things and make her write-ups informative. She is a marketing professional by day and wears many other hats during the rest of the day! She loves to travel, paint, write poems, play music, and watch memes!

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