Anniversaries are the most magical celebrations of all times. It is the perfect time to tell your spouse how much you love them. In the first few years of being married, the anniversaries are given extreme importance. In most of the cases, the first or the second anniversary is celebrated with much pomp and pleasure. However with the passing of time and increase in responsibilities, the anniversary celebrations tend to lose their charm. To an extent that the anniversary celebrations become underrated. The big bash surprise parties get replaced with casual dinner outings. But with too many professional commitments, responsibilities etc there are chances that you might even forget your anniversary.
This is a real hot topic for debate and it is the subject of many books and blogs. Why do individuals (it’s mostly men I’m told) have a tendency to forget anniversary dates and special occasions? This can be a tough situation to be in as your spouse can directly question your priorities and value of the relationship. But why is it so hard to remember that very important date? Are you not happy with being married? Do not answer this question in front of your spouse. While we let you ponder on this thought, if you have recently forgotten about your anniversary, here are few quick tips and tricks to make it up for your missed anniversary. These pointers can really bail you out in emergency situations or where you sleeping on the couch is inevitable!
Unique Ways of Making it up for a Missed Anniversary:-
Get a Tattoo of your Anniversary Date– Now this speaks volume of your love and affection towards your better half. Well for some people it is the best way to remember that special date forever. Since you missed out on your anniversary this year, by getting a tattoo you can show your partner that you are really sorry and that you would never miss out on it again. This is also one of the most personal and romantic ways of dealing with the situation. However get the tattoo on your wrist or arm which is visible to you so that you don’t forget it. In case you are terrified of the needle, get a temporary one and see her/his reaction. If it is a positive one, you can get over your fear and profess your love by getting a permanent one. If the reaction is not what you were hoping for, you can always tell your partner that you did this for them. It is the thought that counts. If that doesn’t work, plan for a dinner date to ease out the situation.
Make the Celebration Unexpected & Grand– So it’s been daunting on you that you need to do something special for her in lieu of the missed anniversary. Great! Arrange for a surprise party when she is least expecting it and invite all her close friends to it. Be discreet in arranging the party and make sure she does not get the slightest hints. Once the entire planning is done, call her to that place on pretext of some emergency. Once she comes, blindfold her and take her to the party place. Alterations can be done here depending on your situation. Once she sees your effort in arranging for the party and inviting her friends, she sure will forgive you for forgetting the anniversary. Also prepare a speech and say it out loud in front of all the people. This act of yours would go a long way in keeping her extremely happy. ( this can be done for your husband too) However do set a reminder on your phone for next anniversary!
Get a Customized T shirt for yourself– Have you missed out on your anniversary again this year? Well, you are in trouble, aren’t you? In an attempt to douse the situation, here is a fun idea. For example, order a customized T shirt for yourself with a message, ‘ I forgot our anniversary and this is how I say sorry to the love of my life’ and have a picture of her next to this message. Order another shirt for her with the message, ‘ I am really wondering will he remember it the next time’ Anyways I was gifted a designer bag as per my own recommendation! This is one of the most fun and creative way of expressing your apology and making her smile again with your silly antics.
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Take the whole month to make up for it- When you forget your own anniversary, there is no time limit that binds you in regards with celebrations. Plan little surprises for the whole month so that your partner can understand how much it means to you and that you really feel bad about it. Here are few quick ideas : breakfast in bed, surprise picnic (with you making the picnic basket), special anniversary flowers, romantic dinner for two, a romantic card every weekend, couples spa treatment, surprise gift etc. These little tips and tricks would surely help you in being the best partner and winning back your love and their smile. You are surely going to be the talk of the town for a long time!
You can go overboard with your gift idea– The perfect way of making up for a forgotten anniversary is to go overboard with the gift so that he/she can be swept off their feet. If your partner showed interest in attending a music concert, book tickets for the same and arrange the surprise around it. There could be a scenario where your partner wanted to go out of station for a couple of days, arrange a short weekend trip. You can also woo your partner with an expensive jewelry item that can surprise them in the most glittery manner.
Anniversaries are special occasions that come once a year to remind you of the wonderful choice of life partner that you made long back. It is the appropriate time to profess your love and commitment to one another. Sometimes with time, responsibilities, kids and professional commitments these special days take a back seat. However, you only get to live once, so make special days more special with these anniversary gifting ideas.
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