Amidst all the could’ve and would’ve, most of us find ourselves clueless and confused. The feeling that brought us near someone suddenly seem too small in front of all the whys, hows and how comes! I am on the quest to find the answers to the questions that nobody usually asks. How does it become so convenient walking away from someone who we didn’t want to take a single step without? How come missing someone takes place of hello that once used to bring cheer to a boring day also. The answers might differ from person to person and from one relationship to another, but the sole reason behind every unwanted distance is our failure in putting efforts and expressing.
Falling out of interest and rifts doesn’t come overnight. They sneak in silently and bring all the difference. Had we been able to emote correctly, no relation would’ve ever suffered. From misunderstandings to small fights, we need to keep brushing off the dust from our thoughts so that it doesn’t get settled in our minds. Our constant effort to keep the bond strong and alive is all that matters. A small gesture of sending flowers and sweet gifts once in a while might save the day.