Flowers Flowers Bouquets

How To Make a Red Roses Flower Bouquet?

Red Roses Bouquet

Rose- The most favourite flowering shrub, belonging to the family of Rosacea is a mesmerizing flower. Roses come in many varieties and colours and yet the world can never have enough of roses. The species of roses is known to us for 35 million years and its allure has managed to seize our attention.
When we think of roses, we unconsciously relate it to undying love. Did you know roses can express profuse feelings? It is the orange, lavender and red rose which are associated to love but nothing can say I Love You Like a “Red Rose.”

Red Roses: The Essence Of True Love

Red roses stand for passion, true love and desire. This is the reason why it is the most popular choice on Valentine’s Day as red roses symbolize love and admiration at its purest form. 

Red roses have managed to make a space in the heart of writers and literature. Shakespeare describes a rose as an eternal beauty, and the Scottish poet Robert Burns compared the love of his life to a red rose. In the classic “Alice in the Wonderland, the queen of hearts loved red roses so much that when gardeners planted white roses instead of red by mistake, they painted them red in the fear of being punished by the queen.

Red roses have been found in mythology as well. In Greek & Roman mythology, roses are linked to Aphrodite, the Goddess of love. In ancient Rome red roses were associated with the Virgin Mary. And it doesn’t end here, red roses are a part of Hindu Mythology as well. It is believed that Lord Vishnu created Goddess Laxmi from 108 large and 1,008 small rose petals! This is why at times, red roses are associated with sacred and divine beauty. 

Being so deeply connected to love, red roses flower bouquet are amazing gifts for someone you love. And if you love someone so deeply, a personal touch can make the bewitching rose bouquet even more magical. Just follow the steps below, and you’ll be fine.

Red Roses Flower Bouquet At Home

Apparatus required

  • Garden Fresh Red Roses
  • Cellophane Sheet or Crepe Paper
  • Stem Cutter
  • Tape
  • Scissors
  • Fillers
  • Ribbon or a Raffia

Steps To Make Red Roses Flower Bouquet

  • The first thing you need to do is decide the number of red roses you want to use. The number of roses you use says a lot!
  • Remove the foliage and de-thorn your rose using scissors. 
  • Take the roses one by one in your hand making sure there is equal space in between all the roses, arranging them into a circular pattern. You can add fillers in between the roses if you want, just make sure they don’t overpower the beauty of the flowers.
  • Tape the roses firmly, you can also use raffia to tie them.
  • Once the roses are arranged in the place, make sure the length of the stems of all the roses is same, use a stem cutter to trim.
  • If you have baby’s breath or Lisianthus, arrange & spread them around the bunch evenly.
  • You can also use fillers like dusty miller or Italian Ruscus and arrange them neatly around the bunch. 
  • Once you are done adding fillers, tape them firmly.
    • Now wrap the bouquet with the crepe paper or the cellophane sheet elegantly using tape but make sure you use small pieces of tapes.
    • If you want to put the bunch into a vase, you can skip the wrapping part and directly place the bunch into a floral vase. Just make sure to change the water in the vase regularly.
  • Use a ribbon or raffia to tie the ends of the bouquet
  • Your enchanting red rose bouquet is ready! Just remember to keep it away from direct heat and sunlight.

Gift this perfect red roses bouquet for birthdays, anniversaries, or just for letting someone know that you love them.

Significance of Red Roses by Numbers

Since the different number of red roses have different meanings, you need to be careful while choosing the number of roses. Let’s decode them:

  • Single Rose: Fell in love on the first date? A single rose says- Love at first sight!
  • 2 Roses: I am deeply in love with you.
  • 3 Roses: I love you.
  • 4 Red Roses: Nothing will come between us.
  • 5 Roses: I care for you.
  • 6 Roses: I want to be yours.
  • 7 Roses: I am infatuated with you.
  • 8 Roses: I support you.
  • 9 Roses:  I want to be with you forever
  • 10 Roses: You’re Perfect.
  • 12 Roses: Be Mine!
  • 15 Roses: I am sorry!
  • 21 Roses: I am dedicated to you.
  • 24 Roses: You’re always on my mind
  • 25 Roses: Congratulations!
  • 30 Roses: I am faithful to you!
  • 36 Roses: I remember all our romantic moments.
  • 40 Roses: My love for you is genuine
  • 50 Roses: I love you unconditionally.
  • 66 Roses: My love for you will never change
  • 77 Roses: You are my soulmate!
  • 88 Roses:  I truly sorry.
  • 99 Roses: I will love you until my last breath
  • 100 Roses: I completely & solely devoted to you

So, go ahead and gifts a lovely red rose bouquet to your loved ones and spellbind them with its beauty!


About the author

Shruti Sood

Shruti is crazy about F.R.I.E.N.D.S & that is the first thing she tells everyone she meets! In a parallel universe, she is a passionate writer! She loves to research about various things and make her write-ups informative. She is a marketing professional by day and wears many other hats during the rest of the day! She loves to travel, paint, write poems, play music, and watch memes!

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