Splash your windows and garden beds with the bright colors of Gerbera Daisies. Members of Asteraceae plant family and related to sunflowers is a native to Southern Africa. The maximum size of the full bloom gerbera is 4 inch and comes in the hues of red, yellow, pink, white and orange and resembles a lot like daisies. They are the perfect flower for any and every occasion. They are the representatives of varied emotions similar to the colour selection in roses. The best thing why every house should have gerbera bulbs is that they are comparatively a hassle free plant that requires minimum care with maximum result. All you need to do is follow the basics of plant care and your gerbera will return your care with amazing blooming results.
Gerbera are frost sensitive plant. Any frost will damage its foliage and may also kill the plant. In mild frost free regions, they can tolerate temperature up to 2 degrees below the freezing point. During winters, gerberas need just the basic care. Adding a layer of mulch over the garden bed helps maintaining the temperature of the soil. Use of mulching materials like well rotted compost and seasoned manure are particularly rich in nutrients for the soil. The best areas to plant gerberas are the areas with the mild temperature during the day and a minimum night temperature above 6 degree Celsius. When a flower fades, clipping them off just below the flower head help to keep the plant look neat gerbera bloom with less frequency during winters but still couple of blooms is witnessed by the planters.
A potted Gerberas need a lot more attention than a bed of gerberas. The plant need to be fertilized after every two weeks with all purpose water soluble fertilizers during the spring season and it should reduce with the dip in the temperature. Plant should be potted in well drained soil that has been dug over. Using soil with sand content helps maintaining the required humidity of the plant. Watering is required only when the soil is fairly dry. Water regularly to make sure that the soil remains moist while they bloom. After blooming, reduction in fertilization and watering helps gerbera to be resistant to the risk of root rot and crown. It is also important to have warm climate n order to protect gerberas from cold blasts. Every gerbera plant has different character. So, the placement of the pot depends on the plant. So you can experiment with the placement of the pot; either they can be placed in a sunny window or where there is ample indirect sunlight. Remove the dead blooms with garden shears to encourage the gerberas to keep blooming as long as possible.
Gerbera daisies are a favourite of many people for they are bright pretty flowers that brings any floral or arrangement or garden to life with their vibrancy. So growing these lively flowers will help you add liveliness and harmony to your garden and home. So grow your own bed of Gerbera at home provided you have suitable space with the right tools and knowledge to care for them.
At Ferns N Petals, we offer to decorate your house with the vibrant shades of gerberas. Get your own pot of healthy gerbera. We also have amazing floral arrangement with bright and happy gerberas with us for you and your loved ones. Order your plant and floral arrangement with us at www.fnp.com and get home one of the happiest and alive flowers.