The world is changing fast and so is our lifestyle. Work has occupied the major space in our lives. We spend a big share of our time at our workplace. We meet our co-workers everyday and spend more time with them than any other friend or family. With time and with no notice, they become our family and closest friend somewhere! Some of our colleagues might turn into our dearest friends. We count on them for lunch, for extra work, excel formulas, morning coffee and hell lot of other things that cannot be contained in a single write-up.
Our colleagues are actually the people who makes the extra hours and a tedious report so interesting. A serious meeting turns out to be an amazing brain storming session with them. A creative idea can turn out to be a wonderful campaign or some marketing strategy. Talking a lot about them, it might have been quite clear to you that I am about to suggest you some really interesting gifts to add a spark to your friendship with them.
From wine to chocolates to desk accessories to something they’ve been longing for (maybe an apparel or a gadget). You can think of a hundred ways to make them feel appreciated. Find out some special dates and plan a little around your work stations (it need not be extravagant). That’s the best thing with the colleagues you know, small efforts are also counted.
Work seems to have taken the largest part in everyone’s life, appraisals, reports, deadlines and all the pressure that comes along with them, our lives revolves round the professional front and success. This thought process has resulted in quite a stressful state of mind. Considering this, you can gift your colleague, a set of soul calming and fragrant candles along with a buddha statue which will not only look stylish but will also attract positive vibes in their living space. Also you can get them a bamboo plant for their office desks, which is supposed to bring good luck. And if you want to keep the gesture subtle, a bunch of their favourite flowers will also do. The flowers will keep their desk look alive and the air around them fresh all day long. Just in case if he/she is a foodie, cupcakes would be the best choice.
Planning a treat or a gift for your wonderful colleagues might take a little while but your thoughtfulness will definitely add perfect strokes to the beautiful painting of your lovely friendship at work.
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