I am Me…I am She… I am what some people envy
I am Me…I am She…I am the Self where I am Free
I am Me…I am She…I am what I like to be
I am Me…I am She….I am the poem in Life
I am Me…I am She…I am in the Scent of Tea
I am Me…I am She…I am the Celebration to Celebrate
I am Me…I am She….I will walk away as ME
Who is a Woman or how does a man see a woman in today’s world (read India)? It is a matter of concern at least for less developed countries like India where one of our socio-economic challenge is safety of women or gender Inequality. The alarming and shameful incidents of 16th December 2012 and 24th February 2016 leaves our mind in question: Are we ever going to be modernized, civilized, or develop on real grounds? The answer has to be a raging no. Just before this International Women’s Day the theme which this year is gender equality, my country’s men are still satiating their anger by raping women. When the highest grossing film industry of the world is creating a movie like Neerja which shows the bravery of a young girl, my poor people are still beating their wives. I don’t know if we are going forward or backward. May be for one step forward, there is a step backward.
We want to reach the moons and stars. We want to have all latest technology wrapped living. We want to shop in huge shopping malls and watch movies in a lavish way in multiplexes. We want to hang out in CCD, Pizza Hut, and Starbucks. We want to roam in foreign countries for holidays. But we just cannot tolerate a modern woman who wears a mini-skirt, who roams with a boyfriend/male friend late at night, smokes cigarettes or drinks alcohol, who earns in lakhs from a marketing company, who dances well, or for that matter any girl who wants to lead an unconventional life. The moment WE, the guys see these type of women, we will rape them, gang rape would be better because we believe that a woman is better castigated and subjugated. Delhi-NCR tops the list of rape crime in our country which plays like a satire. A country capital, rather the largest democracy of the world cannot save their girls in the capital itself imagine what destiny the small town girls hold then?!
The age old granny-nanny tales seem to be the culprit here. When a boy takes birth he is given all manly toys like cars, bikes, guns, etc. to play and a girl is given miniature kitchen equipment or dolls. Well, then it is steer clear where this inequality starts? It doesn’t start in the school, college, or office, it begins right at our home. These nanny-granny tales play an essential role in building this disparity. In all these fairy tales, historical tales, or mythological tales, a girl is always portrayed as a home-maker who cooks delicious food, does the cleaning, keeps a record of grains, etc. In these tales, SHE is a fair lady, with glowing skin, long hair, big eyes, and endowed with all culinary skills and domestic engineering. SHE is never shown as someone who fights battles (although history has characters like that) or who rules a governing body. In various phrases, we hear that the intellect of a woman lies in their knees.
Now, what can be done to change these age-old tradition of seeing a woman who knows nothing apart from her home? We need thoughts like Bhaskor Banerjee (played by Amitabh Bachchan in Piku) who motivates his daughter not to marry without purpose because he knows very well that a guy wants only two things from a woman: food in time and sex in night. He cites examples of Rani Laxmi Bai, Annie Besant, Vijaya Laxmi Pandit, Sarojini Naidu who were married but had their aims so clear that the nation still respects them. Actually, the people of yesteryears were may be broad-minded who knew the fact these women also need to be well-educated and well-trained in all spheres just like a man because they give birth to kids and have to nurture them with good principles.
Therefore, to change the mindset of people we need to cite examples from the past and give them proper classes. The judiciary should include laws of no mercy for offence against women, especially rape. No juvenile should be exempted from punishment for committing a rape. If a juvenile can commit a crime like rape, he is not a juvenile anymore. This International Women’s Day would be a perfect moment to convey the people about our being. No society can run without co-operation from female. Did you notice that HE is encircled by S to form SHE which means that a SHE gives meaning to HE. So, before raising the voices, you should think twice.
Send flowers to your girlfriend/wife/daughter cannot justify the love towards her. There is so much more in a girl. If you are a real man, you would never suppress her talent, instead force her to pursue a career so that she also contributes to your home as much as you do. My request towards all the bold and beautiful Eve’s/SHE’s of our nation is: Start treating yourself as an equal to all men without fear. Once you start doing that, no man can harm you physically or mentally.
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