The thought of farming while you live in the city and growing your own food might blow your mind. The serious lack of space and limited resources restrict apartment-dwellers to pursue their dream of gardening and farming. But the two-step container farming brings back hope for farming-enthusiasts who live in cities and don’t have enough vacant space.
Here is a list of food items that you can grow at home without having a garden of your own.
Step 1: Fill a small pot with well-drained soil. Cut open a lemon and remove the seeds. Now, bury the moist seeds half an inch deep in the pot.
Step 2: Spray the soil above the seed gently with water from a spray bottle. Place the pot in a warm, sunny location and spray on water occasionally so that the soil does not dry out. After about two weeks, the sprouting will emerge.
Step 1: Take a container and fill it with the planting mix. Water the soil bed and let it sit for a day or two before sowing carrots. Mix carrot seeds with sand and sprinkle across the bed.
Step 2: Sprinkle the bed once or twice daily with a gentle spray of water for the first couple of weeks. After 2 to 3 weeks the leaves will start to show as the carrots don’t appear right away.
Step 1: Fill a container with fertile, well-drained soil. Separate garlic cloves and place them 4 to 6 inches apart and 1 to 2 inches into the soil. The garlic cloves should be planted with the pointed end up and the blunt end down.
Step 2: Cover the planted cloves with mulch including dry leaves, straw, compost, and manure. Garlic is not thirsty for water but if the soil feels dry an inch below the surface, it is time to water.
Step 1: Fill a mid-sized container with well-drained soil which is high in organic matter. Sow the radish seeds half-inch deep, a few at a time, cover them with soil and then water gently.
Step 2: Radishes need plenty of water to make the root bulbs, so make sure the soil doesn’t dry out. Keep the container in a sunny spot. The radish seeds will germinate quickly and you’ll see green growth within a week.
Step 1: Take a big pot or container and fill it up with good quality well-drained potting soil mixture. Sow the tomato seeds about one-quarter inch deep and cover lightly with moistened potting mix.
Step 2: Use a pump spray bottle to moisten the soil mix. Tomato seeds kept at a warm temperature and watered twice daily will sprout within a week. Once the seedlings break the surface, move them near a sunny window to make sure they don’t dry out.