A woman is a song transcribed beautifully by the almighty’s hand which owns a charge to electrify each and every joy. She not only nurtures a soul, but, also turns battle of life into an art of love. We should not undervalue the power and real competence of women. She takes many forms, a daughter, a mother, a wife and a friend. She is clean, pure and soft just like water. But, don’t miscalculate her power, as the flow of water down through mountains can crush massive rocks. Being a mother, daughter, sister, and wife, yes, I am celebrating each and everyday.
Unmatched Power
God shaped a beautiful world and filled it with lovely people i.e. women. And just to escalate their power, grace and beauty, He created men. That is the fact. However, much a man can try, he can never match a woman’s self-control, will power as well as inner strength to move ahead. Yes, unlike a man, woman is not physically stronger and don’t even require that strength, because, her one gaze is enough!
Leadership Quality
Every woman is a front-runner in her own family. They have total power in a relationship, but, they rarely show it. They let men folk think that they are lord over them, but, the opposite is true. The trickery is good for a man’s ego, but, the truth remains completely different. She becomes susceptible because that is what she wants to be with men. She puts a man first and front taking herself a backseat, not because she is uncertain and discerns her strength as a lady but that is the beauty of a women in love. Give her respect that she deserves with lot of surprises of flowers to make this Women’s Day romantic.
Role In Family
A mother in a family is the start and end of all things in life. It is like a ministry with different divisions bestowing love. A sister is the emotional equivalent of a mother when she isn’t around. And, then a wife in your life is nothing but a mirror of mother. They all are same. They don’t distinguish, but, just give. They are only givers and not takers. In fact, they don’t even ask and don’t even expect. They just exist. To make them smile, dear men, here’s a chance. Remind them that you appreciate what they are to you and to this world.
This one to all beautiful ladies!
This Women’s Day , take pledge to comprehend your own power. Innocence is cute, but, ignorance is heinous. Understand that you are blessed. Men and women are created equal, but, God is a bit prejudiced towards you. You are special and have special powers which you should know.
Don’t allow hatred to even touch you. You are the essence of love. Celebrate yourself!
Be proud to be a women! Happy Women’s Day!
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