
This is How You Should Celebrate Your Birthday Virtually

Virtual Birthday Party

Are you planning a virtual birthday celebration this year? The concept has become hugely popular, especially with many living away from friends and family. Surprising your near and dear ones with a celebration that bridges the distance and time gaps is not hard. It just requires a little planning and effort on your part. Here are some tips that you may find handy.

Online Birthday Celebration Ideas Worth Considering

Here are a few ideas that may be helpful:

  • Find the right hosting platform – Choose a virtual platform to live-stream your celebrations. It can be anything from Zoom or Google Meet to FaceTime and other platforms. Ensure everyone is on the same page regarding the platform, and send the meeting link and instructions well in advance.
  • Create your guest list – Most platforms can conveniently take anywhere up to 50 guests. Make your list of attendees in advance, ensuring that they are available with proper internet connectivity. Send invitations through a group email or use a free invitation creator online.
  • Choose your theme – Select a unique theme for your birthday celebrations, which may extend to your hosting platform background. Let guests know about fun costumes they can wear and backgrounds that they can set.
  • Decorate the core space – Jazz up your space with birthday balloons and other decorations. You can also use paper streamers, photographs, flowers, and candles. Guests will appreciate the effort you put into decorating your space.
  • Send gifts – From the best customised gifts for birthday, you can send small tokens of your love and affection to all your virtual attendees. This will be a wonderful gesture that gets everyone in the celebratory spirit! FNP is a great place to find everything that you need in this regard.
  • Plan a menu – Make your virtual celebrations more exciting by creating a themed menu that everyone can order at their respective locations. Get hold of delicious birthday cakes from Fnp to spice up the occasion. You will find multiple cakes that you can also send as celebratory presents for select guests. Once everyone has the food ready, you can all eat together and commemorate the occasion.
  • Set up a few games – You can choose some innovative and fun games to enjoy the party with your loved ones virtually! Some great options include charades, Truth or Dare, 20 Questions, Would You Rather, and so on. You can also pull off something like Bingo which requires a little more preparation. Always make sure that your guests know about the games to be played and the things that they require for this purpose.
  • Involve everyone in a fun activity – You can get people to engage better with each other once you involve them in fun group activities. Some options include watching a movie together or sharing YouTube videos, along with craft-making, jam sessions, cooking sessions, a prize raffle, and virtual karaoke.

These are some great ways to organize a fabulous virtual birthday celebration in style! A little innovation and planning will help you have a lot of fun together, irrespective of the physical distance.

About the author

Priya Lamba