Love – The four lettered word that makes the world go round, that makes the butterfly dance in the stomach and that makes the cupid pull an arrow, has got a place on the calendar! February (The month of love) – it’s comical to think that the largest form of affection is celebrated in the shortest month! Well, who is measuring the time when one is in love!
14th of February marks the day of love where all that feels right, does feel right in the name of Valentine’s Day! This day wasn’t started by Adam and Eve, Romeo and Juliet did not follow it, Napoleon and Josephine never practiced it! Some say, Valentine’s Day also called as St. Valentine’s Day is celebrated annually in the second month of every year to honor the martyrdom of Romanian Soldiers, while some refute and say Valentine’s Day originated from Chaucer’s poems. There are arguments, essays, thesis on its origin in contrast with the present day scenario.
Today, modern relationships don’t need a formal set-up to begin, they start in the blink of an eye – in the street corner, right at first sight, through common friends, through mutual and unusual interests, social networks and dating applications too! We just got the right word – It all begins with a ‘date’!
Yes, once in a while, right in the middle of an ordinary life, love gives us a fairy tale, date nights kick starts that fairy tale, and some Valentine’s day gifts add more spice to this fairy tale. This Valentine’s week, read us by heart because you’ll get all the answers to How to plan the perfect Valentine Date?
- The Best Mornings Start with Romantic Sunshine
Right when your partner wakes up from their deep slumber that is the best time you serve them delicious cravings for breakfast. It is this way how they’ll know that you made a great start to their day. Take Notes – Serve the bed-tea with their favorite snacks for breakfast. This morning Valentine date idea is relaxing and would set the right romantic mood for the rest of the day.
- A Spa Session Together in the Afternoon
When work calls forbid you both to relax out of town, a relaxing day at the spa will be equivalent to a relaxing yet romantic getaway. Book a couple spa session that is surely going to soothe and calm your inner self for the crazy work life. This is one of the best Valentine date idea that would instantly show the results!
- Put Hand-Written Letters in their Bag
No gesture in the world is more affectionate and devoted than hand-written love notes/letter. Their beauty never fades away. If you have anything to say to your partner for a long time then Valentine’s Day date is the perfect occasion to do so! Even if they are the shortest words, they’ll never ever forget it!
- Valens-Dine Together
Once you are out of a relaxing spa session and have already recited the musings of your heart before them. Take them to a classic theme based restaurant or to the place where you first met. How refreshing it would be to cherish old memories and create a new one. Don’t forget to share a delectable bite of heart shaped Valentine’s day cakes that will be the icing on your meal!
- Personalize Your Love!
A surprise Valentine date is no surprise if gifts are not on the list! Frame your favorite picture together on a cushion, paper-weight, mug or shining lamps. Personalized Valentine’s day gifts form an eternal reminder of memories and serve as the most thoughtful gifts. Nothing can actually beat the appeal and charm of a personalized gift. So, go for it!
- Create a Timeless Evening
Just when they start to think that this is it, lighten them up with wide smiles. How? With the most affectionate gesture of feelings – flowers. Make your floral love speak volumes this valentine’s because flowers have unconventional love powers. Let the romantic petals and mesmerizing fragrance of Valentine’s day roses cascade new waves of romance in your love life.
- Night is Always Young
You read it right! Drive them away to an open ground, psss… we are not asking you to go down on your eyes. Instead, hold each other’s hand right under the stars and tell them why are they so special to you. You’ll have to do that with reasons and that too reasonable. Hand them “100 Reasons Why I Love You” Book and let them read and grow in your love!
Happy Valentine’s Day! Go, live in their heart and pay no rent.
#Valentinesday2019 #Love&Romance #PerfectValentineDate
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