Air plants or tillandsias are unique plants that require no soil to grow. They extract moisture from the air and rely on a combination of air and water to grow. The air plants get nutrition by absorbing water through their leaves. They also need sunlight like any other plant. The absence of visible roots makes air plants interesting and great for home décor.
Here are some popular air plants that you can consider to grow at home.
Tillandsia Andreana
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This species of air plant originates from Columbia. The leaves shoot out from all sides and grow up to three to four inches tall. It produces tubular flowers that bloom from the centre of the plant.
Tillandsia Ionantha
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Tillandsia Ionantha is commonly known as the sky plant. It has short stems and grows in a tropical climate. It blooms during the last living days and has glossy greenish-silver foliage that enhances its beauty.
Tillandsia Caput-medusae
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It is known to resemble the shape of the head of the mythical creature ‘medusa.’ The snake-like leaves of this plant grow horizontally like strands of hair. In summers, it bears attractive red or blue flowers.
Tillandsia Maxima
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Tillandsia maxima originate from Mexico and can handle more sun than other varieties of air plants. The leaves of the plant turn coral red before blooming purple flowers. It requires filtered sun to grow well and reaches up to four to five inches in height.
Tillandsia Usneoides
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Tillandsia usneoides is also known as Spanish moss. The leaves of the plant fall in a downward direction rather than upward, which makes it different from other air plants. It emits a mild fragrance as it prepares to bloom.
Tillandsia Cyanea
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Tillandsia Cyanea is called the pink quill plant because the pink bracts protruding from the centre look just like a feather quill. It grows well in soil unlike other air plants and blooms vibrant purple-blue flowers. When growing indoors, it needs to be watered regularly. Mist them two to three times per week and provide natural sunlight to help them continue to bloom.
Tillandsia Bulbosa
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Tillandsia Bulbosa originates from Central America. The plant is named so because of its bulb-like appearance. It thrives in humid conditions. Save it from direct scorching heat and mist regularly. The leaves change colour to purple or red just before the plant is ready to bloom.
Boasting a range of exotic shapes and colours, these air plants make the perfect option for low-maintenance plant-lover.