Teacher's Day

Most Common Dialogues of Teachers

Most Common Dialogues of Teachers

Teachers have always been a constant part of our lives. Whether in school or college, they play an extremely important role. And when that phase of your life is over, you always cherish the moments that made you laugh. And some hilarious dialogues of our beloved teachers made the school life more memorable! Yes, the school would have been quite boring without the banter with teachers and their humorous take on different situations. 

While teaching in the class, teachers utter some common dialogues. Here is a list of those common dialogues that will definitely send you down the memory lane.

Why are you laughing? Tell us the joke; we also want to laugh

You can’t really share the joke when it is on them.

Why are you making so much noise? Is this a fish market?

Undoubtedly the best dialogue ever and that never fails to make us laugh.

I want pin drop silence in the class

When the class refuses to keep quiet.

This is the worst class I have seen till date

Every class gets to hear this statement.

Yes, I am talking to you. Stop looking behind

Every time teachers asked something, we wished that it was not for us because we did not know the answer.

Don’t try to act over smart with me

When students try to justify their misdeeds.

If you are not interested, then you may leave the class

Usually, when students are not paying attention to studies or busy talking.

Speak loudly. Didn’t you have breakfast in the morning?

When a student answers in a low voice or doesn’t know the answer at all.

If you don’t want to study, then why do you come to school?

As simple as that. No studies. No school

Do you want me to call your parents?

The most frightening warning, which also means the teacher is really pissed.

Do you think teachers are fools?

There is no right answer to this question.

How could you forget your homework? Do you ever forget to eat?

That question makes students run out of words.

Why do you want to go to the toilet?

Like really? You want to know why?

About the author

Apeksha Rawat

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