Monsoon is considered the best time for planting trees & nourishing the existing plants in your garden or house. The monsoon season provides ideal environment conditions like low temperatures & humidity that induces growth in plants & helps the roots get into action. Also, plants get the little sunlight that peeps through the clouds. However, plants also require extra care during monsoon as it is the time for the breeding of insects, weeds and worms.
We are sharing some basic yet essential tips to help you achieve a well maintained healthy garden during monsoon.
A well-draining soil is essential for plants during monsoon.
Do not water the plants during the rainy season unless the soil has turned dry or the leaves have started drooping.
Check the drainage system of your plant containers. Make sure the drainage hole is open & there’s no stagnant water. It can rot the roots of the plant easily & helps in the breeding of mosquitoes & diseases like dengue. Avoid using trays under your pots.
Prune your plants just before the monsoon. It helps fresh shoots to grow. Remove dead flowers from plants to maintain their appearance & improve overall performance.
Use natural fertilisers during monsoon. Cow dung, home compost or vermicompost are the best manure for plants. During the rainy season, the pores in the plants open up; therefore, spraying the fertiliser helps the plants to absorb them.
Earthworms for fertilisation
During the rainy season, earthworms are found in abundance. You can pick them up & spread around the garden to allow fertilisation. Allow frogs & toads in the garden. They are insect eaters & help the garden to be free from harmful insects.
Protect saplings
The saplings & seedlings are fragile and should be sheltered to protect them from rains.
Spray pesticides during monsoon immediately after fresh shoots start appearing. Monsoon is the best time for pests & insects that prefer to suck fresh leaves. The external application of pesticides will help in controlling pests.
If you still face any issues with your plants & are not sure about what to do, then it is better to take help of an expert regarding your problem. You can also check out different blogs, articles and plant forums regarding plant care during monsoon.