“A bad day with coffee is better than a good day without it”
This phrase is what the coffee lovers think out loud. There are many varieties of coffee and preparation methods across the world which keep people happy, entertained, motivated, and interested in activities. Interestingly there are perhaps as many types of coffee drinkers as the types of coffees.
Coffee is one of the most famous beverages in the world which is brewed from roasted coffee beans. The coffee beans are the seeds of the berries from coffee species. The Coffea genus is native to tropical Africa. C. Arabica and C. Robusta are the most common coffees. There are various ways of making coffees and that’s how they appeal to various taste buds.
When it comes to the consumption of coffee, people are very particular about their preferences. Based on their preferences, I have divided these following types of coffee drinkers on the eve of International Coffee Day on 1st October. Hope you will find your type here:
“But First Coffee” Kinda People:
These are those kinds of people who simply cannot operate without a cup of coffee. For all the big, medium, or small talks/discussions/tasks, they need their dose of coffee – just the way they love. Without that, their brain, mind, and body don’t get activated. The knots they were trying to detangle magically dissolve when their cups of coffees appear.
Let’s Solve It Over Coffee:
I have seen and known people for a long time who just need an excuse to have more coffee. “Sir, I need to discuss that Mr. Moses matter” The reply will come: “Yes, please, get a coffee and we can”. “Listen buddy have you seen that latest Majidi movie?” The reply that follows- “Oh yes, I have to tell you so many things about that, lemme get coffee, then, we can start”
I Need A Break:
Jaded with loads of office work, some people need a break every 1 hour. The companion for the break is that “match made in heaven” – coffee and cigarettes. This “I need a break” with coffee kind of people return from their breaks highly energized. Sometimes, it seems like they have more coffee than blood or water in their bodies!
Need To Check The Latest Cafe:
“Oh, there’s a new café in Maddox Square, let’s go and check out”. There will be one friend in a group who will say this. He/she is not a religious coffee drinker but loves the ambience of cafes and that’s why would never miss tasting the menu of all the cafes around. He/she is also the one who will drag you to the cafes for all sorts of parties.
Ahh! The Fancy Ones For Insta Posts:
There are those types of coffee drinkers also who will only have the fancy coffees in the famous coffee shops. They want a patterned leaf design or a heart design on their frothy mug of coffee. Another reason why they prefer these coffees is that they can capture beautiful insta posts and impress their followers.
Only Black …. For Weight Loss:
Then there are those people who prefer only Black Coffee much like Jai of Love Aajkal and that too without sugar. Many say that it is a style statement. Some say that if guys are ordering black coffee without sugar, then it imposes a great impression on the girls. Most of the black coffee drinkers minus sugar prefer it for its weight loss qualities.
Please Make Beaten Coffee:
There comes those group of people who enjoys the simple beaten coffee at home. You just need to beat the coffee powder with sugar and very little water in a mug and then pour water or milk. The taste of the coffee enhances.
Eco-Friendly First, Coffee Lover Later:
Oh yes, there are eco-friendly coffee lovers too in this list. These are those people who will buy only after checking these things – organically certified, single-origin, special coffee grown at a specific altitude, etc. Why? So that they leave the smallest carbon footprint. And they have a great pair of eyes and nose. They can look into the coffee mug and smell it to know all those details.
Only The Smell:
Some people get a kick with the simple smell of coffee brewing. Half of their tensions, fatigue, or headaches dissolve with this energizing smell of coffee. These kinds of people can even go way ahead and buy coffee-scented candles and soaps to soothe their senses.
The Fusion Types:
Ohh, this is me. I sprinkle a small Rupee 1 sachet of coffee on my cup of tea and enjoy this headache medicine every evening after returning to my den. I have made some of my friends a fan of this cup of coffee-tea. Believe me fusion rocks!
It’s International Coffee Day on 1st October and I hope you keep on relishing your mug of coffee just the way you love.
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