Gardening Plants

Did You Know Bonsai Is An Art?

Bonsai is an Art

Bonsai is an ancient Japanese art form that uses horticulture methods and techniques to produce small trees in containers that take the shape and scale of full-size trees over time. The word ‘Bonsai’ literally translates to ‘planted in a container.’ The similar practices exist in other cultures including the Chinese tradition of penzai or penjing, which was copied and adapted by the Japanese. 

Bonsai is a tree grown in a pot, which is subjected to several horticulture and aesthetic disciplines. The main goal of growing a classic bonsai is to produce a healthy miniature but a realistic representation of nature in the form of a tree. 

Why growing bonsai is considered art?

The powerful art of bonsai is a way to describe a story through living illusions. The purpose of growing bonsai is to give the grower an opportunity to practice patience, effort, creativity, and personal expression. Bonsai is an amalgamation of form, creative thought and expression in a miniature world that endures over time. 

The long-term care of a bonsai tree is the whole point to teach practitioners the value of hard work and caring for other things. Bonsai trees are generally considered appealing because of their physical appearance, which greatly depends upon the time and energy invested by the gardener. Bonsai trees are mostly normal trees kept limited in size by their root growth, which are pruned and arranged in an aesthetic manner. The roots of the bonsai trees do not grow more than 25 centimeters in length and they rarely grow taller than 1 meter. In fact, many of the bonsai trees grow much smaller as well.

How to Grow Bonsai?

Firstly, you need to choose a bonsai plant and the next step is to select the style the plant will be grown in. Through careful and precise pruning, the bonsai plant is shaped and manipulated to give the appearance of the tree. The container you choose to grow bonsai should be relatively wide and deep in relation to the plant. It will allow you to position the roots in a way that are both expressive and visually appealing. It is important to research for the ideal soil type for the particular plant being grown. The tap water is a great option for regular watering but rainwater, if available is perhaps the perfect choice. The bonsai tree can be fertilized organically, but the breakdown of organic materials can take some time. So, it is advised to immunize with microorganisms in advance to help speed up the entire process.

Famous Types of Bonsai Trees

The types of bonsai trees mean the different plant species used to create bonsai. 

Juniper Bonsai– It is the most popular of all bonsai tree types that give the appearance of nature in miniature.

Azalea Bonsai– It holds a special position in the world of Bonsai and add both color and bloom to this famous art and produces dazzling blossoms of pink, red and white colors. 

Bamboo Bonsai– It is actually not a tree and grows as a small shrub, which resembles the shape of a miniature bamboo tree.

Jade Bonsai– This low-maintenance bonsai tree is a wonderful choice for all novice horticulturalists, which can store huge quantities of water in its leaves for quite a long period.

Ficus Bonsai– It is a popular plant used for indoor bonsai that has over 100 varieties and able to tolerate low light and humidity of a heated or air-conditioned house.

Bald Cypress Bonsai- It grows in wet, swampy soil found alongside riverbanks and flood plains and can live up to many years.

Boxwood Bonsai– It can be designed into several styles and their natural forms are quite easy to twist and shape into amazing living statues.

Cedar Bonsai– It is a dramatic bonsai tree known for its unique structure that needs the expertise to grow and care for.

Let’s have a look at some interesting facts about bonsai tree.

Interesting Facts about Bonsai Trees

  • The smallest bonsai tree in the world can fit in the palm of your hand.
  • The most expensive bonsai tree in the world was sold for $1.3 million.
  • The history of bonsai cultivation dates back to 2000 years ago.
  • The largest display of bonsai trees was held in India that showcased 2649 trees.
  • The foundation of bonsai is based on the philosophy of Zen Buddhism.
  • Bonsai trees are not naturally dwarf.

About the author

Apeksha Rawat

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