
Common Mistakes people make with plants

Common Mistakes people make with plants

Growing plants is rewarding & satisfactory. It feels great to be surrounded by green beauties that bring home calmness and positivity. There’s no joy bigger than seeing your plants thriving. But it breaks your heart when the plant leaves look droopy or yellow. Trust me; you’re not alone in it. We often overlook a few basic things when it comes to plant care and make mistakes due to which plants suddenly start to lose their charm.

We are listing here common plant mistakes to help you avoid any problems in the future.

Ignoring signs of disease

Ignoring signs of disease

Some plant diseases can have a serious impact, to the point of killing them. Roots are the feeding organ of the plant. Therefore, it is important to keep them healthy. If you notice early signs of plant diseases like discoloured roots, spotting or dark roots, raise the alarm and plan your course of action. The sooner you resolve the issue, the higher the chance that the plant will recover from the disease.

Avoiding regular check-ups

Avoiding regular check-ups

Check-in with your plants every day. See if their leaves are wilting or turning yellow. Are there any bugs? Are the plants growing properly? Regular check-ups will help you address problems early and take care of them.

Moving your plants frequently

Moving your plants frequently

Stability is the key. Moving your plants around the house too frequently may harm them in the long run. It can be stressful for plants, and they are less likely to thrive compared to those that are allowed to adjust in one place.

Choosing the wrong plants

Choosing the wrong plants

Before growing any plant, find out its basic facts and best conditions for growth, such as watering needs, lighting requirement, soil conditions, etc. It will help you choose the right plants for your home and help the chosen ones thrive under your care.

Watering the plants too much

Watering the plants too much

Overwatering is one of the most common mistakes people make with their houseplants. They assume that plants need as much water as possible to survive & the dry soil can dehydrate them. In reality, the soil can be visibly dry on the top but still moist underneath. Before adding more water, check the soil by sticking your finger into it. 

Not giving plants the right amount of light

Not giving plants the right amount of light

Some plants require direct sunlight, while others thrive in indirect sunlight. Too much light or too little light can cause problems like leave drop, discolouration and more. Research about your plants and choose their location according to their light requirements.

Using too much fertilizer

Using too much fertilizer

Using too much fertilizer can shock plants and in some cases, may permanently damage them. It can cause plants to become dried out, burnt or fail to thrive. Pick the right type of fertilizer and use them in the recommended amount. Use fertilizer when a plant is in a growing season, not when it is in a dormant state.

Avoiding these mistakes will keep your plants happy and healthy forever.

About the author

Apeksha Rawat

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