Not all fathers are expressive and easy to read. Some fathers may pamper and smother their children with hugs, and others may be a little on the strict side. But, it doesn’t mean that the latter love you lesser than the former. Though they may not make it obvious, there are subtle ways that point out how much they love you. Today, we have jotted-down such obvious signs that your Dad loves you! Take a look!
He always Helps you
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No matter what the situation is, he is always ready to help. Is your fan not working? Or are you feeling stressed? Just one call to your father will fix everything. Isn’t that love?
He Brags About You
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Your dad may or may not appreciate your achievements in front of you. But he always brags about you in front of his friends or even those sarcastic relatives. Just eavesdrop on his conversations, and you will get to know how much he loves you!
Though he is Strict, He will Protect you at all Costs
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Often when we make mistakes, we run to our mothers. But, have you tried telling your father about them? Try it once, and you will know. Like a rock, he will stand there with you and help you in solving everything.
Never Forgets your Birthday
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Though he may not be the one who wishes you at midnight, he always remembers your birthday. He may even get you a thoughtful present and keep it silently in your room. This is another and biggest sign that your dad loves you.
Indirectly Pampers you
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Do you remember those little surprises he gave you? Like when you fought, and then in the evening he brings samosa or your fav chocolates for you. That is a clear sign that he adores you. He may never show it directly, but he drops a hint or two that you must notice.
Takes Care of your Investments
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The biggest sign that your dad loves you is that he always cares about your future. That nagging about you opening a fixed deposit account or investing in properties is all about securing your future. So, stop avoiding it and let him express love and take care of you the way he wants to.