
5 Easy & Interesting DIY Ideas To Decorate Christmas Tree

5 Easy & Interesting DIY Ideas To Decorate Christmas Tree

You can hear the sound of jingling bells already- right? It means Christmas is near and you must gear up and prepare for the festive season. Christmas tree or X-mas tree is the fir tree that signifies long life. Do you know the significance of the elements commonly used to decorate the tree? For example, the lights on the Christmas tree signify the stars twinkling in the night sky. The stars on the X-mas tree denote the star of Bethlehem that gave guidance to those 3 wise men to Jesus. Since many centuries Christmas trees have been used to celebrate 25th December. With time people have used their creativity to decorate the tree. It is a fun activity where every family member can participate and unleash their creativity. Here are some easy & interesting DIY ideas to decorate Christmas tree that you may incorporate this year.

Dry Pine Christmas Tree Decor:

Snow on Pine Christmas Tree Decor

The dry pines already look beautiful so you don’t need to do much! Gather these pines and color them silver, golden, and red using spray color. Then take a lump of pure white cotton and tear it into small pieces and glue them on the colorful pines. It would look like snow has just fallen on these pines. Now tie a string to hang these beautiful pines from your Christmas tree. Also, don’t forget to glue some cotton pieces all over the Christmas tree to give a genuine snow-kissed look. Wear gloves while tearing the cotton so that it remains as white as possible. You may also use white glitters that would also look like snow.

A Flowery Christmas Tree:

A Flowery Christmas Tree

What is life without a mix of colors! Bring as much color as possible to your Christmas tree with this easy and interesting DIY Ideas to decorate Christmas tree. So, for this easy décor idea, you need to gather some colorful artificial flowers. Simply glue these beautiful flowers on your Christmas tree in a spiral manner. Keep a shining red or green star atop the tree to add more beauty to your Christmas home décor. You may keep a real flower also atop the tree replacing the star. In the evening, you can add a string of LED lights on the tree to signal that the “party is on”.

A Retro Christmas Tree:

Retro Christmas Tree

Now, this is going to be the showstopper this year! A Christmas tree brimming with your love for retro would enchant your friends and guests. Think of all the things that are retro from those big Lana Del Rey type of goggles, miniature Pentax film camera, Barbie dressed in Polka Dot dress, a miniature of a gramophone, discs, a small figurine of Elvis Presley, a miniature vintage telephone, a golden pocket watch, some quirky hats, an antique goblet, etc. Now one by one hang them from your Christmas tree in a sequence- spiral would be preferred. Wrap some glittering strips on your tree and it is ready to rock your party.

Birds On Christmas Tree:

Birds On Christmas Tree Decor

If there is a tree, there have to be birds- right? So, give that tweeting touch to your Christmas tree this year. All you have to do is go to the market and buy some small & colorful birds and hang them from your tree. If you have time then you can make these cute birds on your own using colorful papers. You can glue a few of the birds on dry pines and hang the pine from your tree. This is one of the coolest DIY Ideas To Decorate Christmas Tree!

Photo & Frames Special Christmas Tree Decor:

Photo & Frames On Christmas Tree Decor

What is a Christmas without the company of family members, close friends, and relatives? This Christmas tree décor is all about showcasing your love for your near and dear ones. Bring out some lovely photographs of yourself, full family photos, single pictures, pictures from holiday, and images from childhood, etc. Now get a printout and hang them with colorful strings from your tree. Also, use some photos in small wooden frames and hang them too. Buy photo frames of various shapes to add more spunk to your tree décor. You may also color the photo frames in bright colors like golden or red.

Hope you have loved these DIY Ideas To Decorate Christmas Tree. Don’t forget to share some cool pictures with us post the celebration!

About the author

Shruti Sood

Shruti is crazy about F.R.I.E.N.D.S & that is the first thing she tells everyone she meets! In a parallel universe, she is a passionate writer! She loves to research about various things and make her write-ups informative. She is a marketing professional by day and wears many other hats during the rest of the day! She loves to travel, paint, write poems, play music, and watch memes!

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